Buttobi Bear & Caesar/ぶっとびベアー&シーザー - 02!

Here's the latest Buttobi Bear & Caesar! This time Caesar is looking back at the past when Buttobi was his personal ride and he was treated like royalty.
Buttobi reminds him where he is.

(シーザーの回想シーン) はるか昔、ぶっとびベアーが彼の乗り物で、貴族のような暮らしをしていた…あの頃は良かったな…あの頃は…

Buttobi Bear & Caesar /ぶっとびベアー&シーザー

Many years ago Buttobi Bear lived in a land where his people were used as beasts of burden and worked as personal ride for Caesar, a young narcissistic noble.
Caesar, yearning for freedom from societal confines and Buttobi desiring freedom from oppression, escaped together from this land to try and live more liberated, normal lives.
The two are now inseparable, despite Caesar's protests, and have fantastic adventures usually resulting in Buttobi mortifying the fashionable young man.
This week's Buttobi pleasure: sexy young monsters on the tongue.



Caesar must look good and stay cool at all times. This is very difficult with Buttobi lazing around and sticking his nose into everything.
Somehow though, there is no getting rid of the bizarre animal and he must be put up with or tamed. Neither of these seem like terribly bearable options, however.
This week's Caesar pleasure: exposing naughty behavior.



Site Renewal!

Our site has a brand new face! It's still not much more than a glorified hub connecting to the different sites we use more regularly or where we have work up, but it's bit easier to use and a lot nicer to look at.


Fun on the Playground


Hey folks! Head over to Playground to waste some time with an Overture videomix!

The Spain-based music site wrote to us last week asking us to throw together a short list of our favorite internetted videos. While we don't spend all that much time these days perusing the halls of Youtube and Vimeo and elsewhere, we do know what we like.
If you have an hour to spare and want to get lost or just need a distancing break please take a look, they also wrote a nice introduction about us and had previously mentioned the Bryum & Kapok triptych for Hauschka.



Overture videomixです!

こういうのって、選んだ後にあれもあったこれもあったと考えちゃいますが、これはこれ。"Overture videomix 2009/春"という事で、あまり悩まずにパッと浮かんだものを送りました。


そうそう、この記事より前にBryum & Kapokの紹介記事も書いてもらっていました。英語と日本語以外で自分たちの事が書かれているのはなんだか嬉しいです。



Bryum & Kapok, in its three part entirety, will be screening at the festival/conference/exhibition that is Pictoplasma's Pictopia in Berlin this March. Specifically, it will screen as part of the "Psychedelic Midnight Mix" from 10:30 P.M. to 12: A.M. on March 20th, the second day of the conference.

Download the PDF animation lineup here. (Bryum & Kapok is number five of the "Psychedelic Midnight Mix" on page two)

Also, please explore around on the Pictoplasma website to learn more about the many many wonderful things these Berlin-based folks do for the characters of the world.


ベルリンで3/19〜3/21まで開催される、Pictoplasma主催のキャラクターデザインを中心としたフェスティバル/カンファレンスイベントPictopiaにて、Overtureの映像作品「Bryum & Kapok」が、それも、3部作全て一挙に上映される事になりました!


"Psychedelic Midnight Mix (サイケデリックミッドナイトミックス)"

同プログラムの他の上映作品などが掲載されているPDFファイルが、ここでダウンロードできます。(Bryum & KpokはPDFファイルの2ページ目、"Psychedelic Midnight Mix"の5番目にあります。)

Pictoplasma HPには、他にもたくさんのイベントや展示、スピーチなどのスケジュールがアップされています。

「Rhubarbidoo」上映 at 東京ラピュタ阿佐ヶ谷

(English at the bottom!)

「 第9回ラピュタアニメーションフェスティバル2009」
3/22(日)11:00~12:00  東京ラピュタ阿佐ヶ谷


上映されるのは、3/22(日)11:00~12:00のAnimation soupプログラムです。




「FRANK」/art unit COCOA


"Rhubarbidoo" the animated music video we created for the Icelandic band, Múm in 2007 is still alive and kicking in the festival world, this time making an appearance at the Laputa International Animation Festival 2009 at the Laputa Theater in Asagaya, Tokyo. This is thanks to the Animation Soup folks who screened the animation last year at their own festival. Rhubarbidoo will be screening on March 22nd within the 11:00 - 12:00 Animation Soup time slot.
The festival schedule is here and additional information on the festival can be found here.

B&K at PlanB / on Youtube

This is a little old actually, but we wanted to wait until the third Bryum & Kapok animation was out in the world before we mentioned this.
Bryum and Kapok make a small appearance in the February issue of Plan B Magazine, looking out over a black sea on a snowy day for a joint article on Hauschka's latest E.P., Snowflakes and Carwrecks, and the new Fennesz album, Black Sea.

And below you will see that all three parts to Bryum & Kapok are now up on Youtube for slightly lower resolution viewing than what Pitchfork has to offer.

少し報告が遅くなってしまいましたが、いつもイラストレーションを描いている Plan B Magazineの2月号にて、偶然にもHauschkaのEP Snowflakes and Carwrecks, そして FenneszのニューアルバムBlack Seaの記事のためのイラストレーションを描く事になりました。(と言っても、もちろんアニメーションを作った事は向こうも知っているので、粋な計らいで、です。)

そして、YoutubeのOvertureチャンネルにて、Bryum & Kapok3部作が全てアップされています。

Bryum & Kapok: A Memory

Bryum & kapok: An Idea

Bryum & Kapok: A Lilt

It Is Finished


The third and final piece of the Hauschka animation triptych is complete!

We have been working on this project since the beginning of last year, planning it since the end of 2007.
It is our first exploration into the realm of lengthier, extended works and it is a strange world. Endurance above all else is required to carry you through this land. Long distance running is recommended.

This is only an announcement though. The actual premiere is happening this Thursday on Pitchfork.tv. We'll post again then with the shortcut.
Eyes peeled! Let us know if you want the special treatment mail magazine by sending us an email. overture.image at gmail dot the com.

Next adventure!

ここ数ヶ月作り続けていた、Bryum & kapokシリーズの3作目"Bryum & kapok: A Lilt"がやっと出来上がり、これで3部作のすべてが完成しました!





overture {at}gmail {dot }com







It's been out for a bit but we just got our copy yesterday: Afterhours issue #25!
This time looking at Baltimore, London and of course, some Iceland, there's even a lengthy interview with us inside, featuring some of the highest quality color images of our past work ever printed!
And as usual there's music too: two cds and a dvd of music videos (Beach House, Dan Deacon, HIM and Gaspar Claus and Pedro Soler).

音楽雑誌「After hours #25」にて、Overtureのインタヴューと作品が掲載されています!
昨年の12月に発売されていましたが、先日、待ちに待ったコピーがAfter hoursのオフィスから届きました。



This bit of news slipped through our fingers in the holiday blizzard but we received KiraKira tees! They sold out at the show we went to but our new friend Sid who trucked around with KiraKira during the tour brought us a pair of the shirts on his way up to Montreal.
These were hand printed by KiraKira and the design is of the minimonster ep we drew up in late 2007! A masked gremlin cranking out a parade of monsters from his gramaphone!
So thanks KiraKira and thanks Sid!
Something tells me this is far from the last we'll be hearing about these two in 2009...



デザインは、以前 minimonster epで描いたイラストを使った彼女の手刷りのもので、白地に紺と黒地に白の二種類です。

この二人(KiraKiraとSid)、バラバラか一緒にかはわからないけど、今年のAdventure logでまた顔を出してくれると思います…。

A Happy New Year! / あけましておめでとうございます。

2009 has arrived!
2008 was a crazy year and we were very busy. As we enter into this unchartered territory the new year offers we are already in the midst of some heavy doings while fresh ones loom just beyond.
Thank you for traveling with us. Many more adventures are soon to come!


2008年は、エディンバラ国際映画祭やDOTMOVフェスティバルでの選出、そしてKiraKiraのCD ”Our Map To The Monster Olympics”や、Yo Gabba Gabbaでのアニメーション放送、さらに一年を通して「Bryum and Kapok」シリーズの制作と発表と、今までに輪をかけて色々な出来事のあった年でした。


Animal Sounds Stills

We finally have some stills up from the Yo Gabba Gabba! animation we did, Animal Sounds. They are up on our flickr site for all the world to see.

米ニコロデオンのYo Gabba Gabba!にて放送中のアニメーション、"Animal Sounds"のスティール画像。やっとflickrにアップする事が出来ました。


関連記事:Yo Gabba Gabba Animation

Overture meets KiraKira!

KiraKira and Overture

KiraKira and Aya

KiraKira and Kippi

KiraKira and Kippi


Last night (Dec. 4th) we were lucky enough to meet up with Kira Kira and see her play live! She is in the middle of her U.S. tour along the East Coast and it just so happened she was booked at the Sierra Grille in Northampton, not twenty minutes from our home!
It was over a year since we'd seen her last and first talked about Our Map to the Monster Olympics and the ideas we had for it and though this was only our second encounter it felt like we were meeting an old friend. We caught up a bit and some new ideas and some wishful thinking was tossed around and we got to meet some of the fine folks traveling with her.
On top of the good company the music was also wonderful. This was our first experience with Kira Kira's live performance and as is usually the case with good music this offered a much more interesting sound and depth than simply listening to the recording. And this was even with the somewhat muffling acoustics of the venue and above the chatter of the audience.
Kira Kira was kind enough to dedicate her performance of "Bless" to Overture and Aya was able to capture this on magically low quality video.

We wish her and her crew all the best on the rest of their tour and hope that it will not be another 16 months until we meet again.

Oh, and please take a look at the rest of her tour schedule and catch her if she's alighting in your neck of the woods.

USツアーでアメリカに来ていたKira Kiraに、一年半以上ぶりに会いに行ってきたからです。

今回のツアー先のひとつが、Northanmptonという町にあるthe Sierra Grille。なんと家から車で20分というすごく近い場所でやる事がわかり、ここで会う事にしました。

演奏の順番が来るまでの間、minimonster ep
Our Map to the Monster Olympicsの事、そしてお互いに今までやってきた事やこれからやりたい事などたくさん話す事が出来ました。




Overture Portfolio Renewal/ポートフォリオ 更新

We finally got around to updating our portfolio over the Thanksgiving holiday. It's been more than a year since anything was added to it! There are stills from the first two Bryum & Kapok pieces, the Yo Gabba Gabba! animation and a few other images in addition to the lengthening of various lists.
The Yo Gabba Gabba! stills, we realized, haven't been seen anywhere but on TV at the moment, so we'll be putting a few of those up on our flickr account shortly for closer inspection.


手始めに、KiraKiraのMinimonster epあたり(丸一年前?)から更新が止まっていたポートフォリオを作りなおして、今回は日本語版も制作してアップしました。




ちなみに上の画像は、気がつけばTV以外で見られるチャンスのなかったYo Gabba Gabbaのアニメーションのスティール画像!

An Idea is available on Youtube

Yes, now the second of the Hauschka animation triptych, Bryum & Kapok: An Idea, is available on our Youtube account. The quality is not quite as good as the Pitchfork version, but for embedding and other purposes it may be more convenient.

◇2作目「Bryum & Kapok: An Idea」をYoutubeにアップしました。
1作目をまだ見てない方は「Bryum & Kapok: A Memory」からどうぞ。

SHIFTのブログで2作目「Bryum & Kapok: An Idea」のリリースの事を取り上げて頂きました。
SHIFT/BLOG/Bryum & Kapok: An Idea

Overture meets Hauschka!

Hauschka and Overture at Le Poisson Rouge

Photo:Kaori Saki


Just as we are about to embark on the creation of the third and final installment of the Bryum & Kapok animation triptych we receive a reinvigorating encounter! A meeting with the musical half of our project, Hauschka!
Friday night marked the first night of Hauschka's U.S. tour, playing at Le Poisson Rouge in NYC as part of the Wordless Music Series, something he participated in last year as well, and we were fortunate enough to make it down for this event.
Mikhail Simonyan and Tom Brousseau were the two opening acts, each as equally mesmerizing as they were different in their performance. Even before any music was played the venue was extremely full and we could find nowhere to sit which felt stranger than normal as Le Poisson Rouge is set up like a restaurant, with seats only at tables and a stage in one corner and a bar along the opposite wall. Luckily a kind young man and woman offered to share their table with us and we were able to put down our overnight bags and rest our feet.
Hauschka was wonderful and this time had two cellists and two violinists accompany him on a number of pieces from his new latest album, Ferndorf. These accompanying musicians did not fly over from Dusseldorf with him but auditioned and selected just the day before! They all performed beatifully however and even played two of the songs that are used in the animations. Needless to say, these were particularly moving.

Afterwards we were able to speak with Hauschka, as well as Tom Brousseau, and we were even able to finally meet Anna from FatCat USA. It was late and everyone had to be going somewhere but the connection and apprectiation was deeply felt on both sides and now we can take leave on this final leg of our journey with enlivened steps.

Le Poisson Rouge。ブロードウェイからちょっと歩いた所にある、赤い壁のシックな場所です。

ゲストは、ヴァイオリン奏者のMikhail SimonyanTom Brousseau
Tom Brousseauと

Tom Brousseau



Tom Brousseau


118th Bemis-Forslund Pie Race 08

Yesterday Aya and I ran in the 118th Bemis-Forslund Pie Race at my old high school, Northfield Mount Hermon. Apparently it is the second longest-running foot race in North America? (...created by former Europeans at least)
The race is 4.3 miles and goes across the Mount Hermon campus and through the woods behind the school. Men who finish under 33 minutes and women who finish under 38 receive an apple pie, made from the apples students grow on the school farm. I didn't run last year but I was four places behind and a minute slower than two years ago! I will be sure to eat more than just a cup of oatmeal for breakfast next time.
As for Aya, it was her first race in more than 14 years! And while the rocky paths of the forest hills were a big difference from the flat paved roads we normally run on, she finished beautifully!
If we are in the area this time next year we hope to run again. Although it would be nice to have the race in October as they traditionally do - it was freezing out!

昨日、Jasonが通っていたNorthfield Mount Hermon高校で、毎年開催される第118回 Bemis-Forslund パイレースに二人で参加してきました。




Bryum & Kapok: An Idea


Not two months later, "Bryum and Kapok: An Idea," the second piece of our animation triptych for Hauschka, has premiered on Pitchfork TV! Like the first part, this animation also uses a track, this time "Heimat," from Hauschka's new album, Ferndorf.
This premiere corresponds to Hauschka's November U.S. tour which begins this Friday at Le Poisson Rouge in NYC.

Here's a bit more about this piece:
The story of the fluffy Kapok and mossy Bryum continue in "An Idea". In the second piece, conflicts and changes occur as Bryum realizes he has been playing to an audience and Kapok endeavors to hear more of the strange, bittersweet music. This first encounter does not bode well for the forest but as some roles are consequently switched a hint of possibly good things to come sneaks in at the end.

To refresh your memory watch the first part, "Bryum &Kapok: A Memory" here and read about it in an earlier post of ours here.

アメリカの音楽情報&レビューサイトPitchfork内のPitchfork TVにて、「Bryum & Kapok: A Memory」に続くHauschkaとのコラボ3部作の2作目、「Bryum & Kapok: An Idea」がインターネットプレミア公開されました!(記事はコチラです)

"An Idea"。フワフワのKapok(カポック)と苔だらけのBryum(ブリアム)のお話はまだ続きます。

Bryumの奏でる珍しくてなんだかほろ苦い音楽をもっと聞きたくて、なんとかもう一度演奏させようといろいろ試みるのです。 3部作の2作目"An Idea"はHauschkaの"Heimat"という曲に乗せて、あまりスムーズとは言えない二人の最初の出会いと反発、ひょんな事から新たな方法が見つかって次の3作目に続く…というお話です。

もう一度、前作"Bryum & Kapok: A Memory"を見返したくなった方は


Bryum & Kapok: A Memory

SHIFT Cover & Interview

Shift Cover Design/SHIFT カバーデザイン

(English is below)

DOTMOV 2008に選出されたご縁で、


全てが同時に押し寄せる法則は今回も有効で、今年一番の勝負所!と毎日朝から晩まで制作してる時に限って、KASINO A4やPlayful Typeが届いたりこうしてSHIFTで取り上げてもらったり、いろんな事がてんこ盛りでやってきます。



In addition to being a part of the DOTMOV festival this November, Shift also asked us to create the intro artwork for their website and subsequently conducted an interview to boot.
The artwork at the top of this post is what we created for the Shift website and is up on their entrance page for a very limited time.
And the interview, while originally in Japanese, has been translated into English by the Shift staff. It can be read here.

Plan B Magazine#39

Here's the latest PlanB Magazine and the illustration we did for a Final Fantasy (the musician/band) review. A band of instrument people on an adventure in a dark cave! What else?
イギリスの音楽雑誌、PlanB magazineの39号にイラストが掲載されています。
掲載されたのは、Final Fantasyというバンドのレヴューページです。