Shopping Overture

Magical pendants,  strange and enchanting scenes, busts of powerful visionaries: here is the Overture shopping guide! There are four locations to purchase something of ours now and we're laying out the differences between each here as well as some of the perks that apply to particular sites during the holiday season.

Just yesterday an Overture shop opened at Big Cartel and it will house original work exclusively! At the moment we are setting up just five pieces, three of the Dreamers and two older works for reduced prices. Shipping is free through the end of the year!
まずひとつめは昨日ショップをオープンしたばかりのBig Cartel です。ここではOvertureのイラストレーションのオリジナルを販売しています。

We've had quite a few prints available for order in a variety of forms for a while now on Society6. All of the Dreamers, Zodiac illustrations, the looping Sesame illustration and others are up there - and shipping is free through Monday!

We only have one item on Etsy at the moment, the Leaf pendant from Ludic Chase - and there are only 8 left! And they are only $15! We plan to have more physical items of this nature available soon, but you may want to pick one of these up for yourself or a loved one while they are still around.

みっつめは先日もここでお知らせしたEtsyストアのLudic Chaseのリーフペンダント。15ドルで、残りは8個になっています。近いうちにこのペンダントのような身につけられる/絵ではないけど手に取ってもらえるようなグッズをまた作りたいと思っています。それまではこのリーフペンダントを手元にどうぞ。

Finally there is our MoonHare piece at The Working Proof. At the moment it is the only place to pick up any of the illustrations from the MoonHare series. There are three different sizes available with prices adjusted accordingly. And of course the best part is that 15% of the gross sale goes to 826 National!!!

最後はムーンヘアシリーズの作品から一点、The Working Proofにて販売中です。こちらもサイズが選べます。購入した金額のうち15%が、放課後の地域の子供達への学習サポートや地元のミュージシャンなどによるワークショップ等の活動をしているナイスなNPO、826 Nationalへの寄付になります。

The Working Proof

The Working Proof, an online artist print store that donates 15% of all sales to a number of charities contacted us a while ago about selling Overture prints through them.
We were happy to!
But at the time they were only selling prints that the artists made themselves. Since we didn't have any prints of our works we had to wait - until now! Recently, The Working Proof has been producing prints for some artists as well (Anna Corpron and Sean Auyeung, the founders, are Printmakers) and one of our illustrations was just released for sale today!
The piece is from the MoonHare series we created in 2010 and traveled to Japan with during the Oneiric Caravan tour with the record label flau. We also showed the series at the Peskeomskut Noisecapades Inaugural in 2011 and some of the illustrations traveled to la Gaîté Lyrique in Paris and Berlin in Pictoplasma's Post Digital Monsters group show this past winter.
None of the illustrations from the MoonHare series have been made a print yet, so this is the first opportunity to get a copy of a part of it - at a reasonable price!
And just in time for Ludic Chase, which we will release online later this summer!
In this scene from the MoonHare series, Hobomuck the giant has pinned the ears of the young MoonHare to the full moon where its power spills down into his tail.
Aside from some planning, the general shape and idea of where in the story the illustration would fit, this piece, like most of Overture illustration work, was improvised.

This is a digital print and available in three sizes: 8"x10" (edition of 50, $35), 11"x14" (edition of 50, $60), 16"x20" (edition of 25 mounted on bamboo panel, $595)

From the charities The Working Proof works with we chose 826 National. They are great! We visited their LA location last fall and will take a look at their Boston chapter very soon!

Anna Corpron from The Working Proof did a short interview with us which is also available up on their site. It is brief and we offer some more in depth answers to the story behind the MoonHare, some of our recent interests, artists we like, etc.

Oh, and if you are interested in the print but can't afford it right now or want someone else to buy it for you, The Working Proof even makes it possible to add it to your Amazon Wishlist right on the print's listing page!

ニューヨークのオンラインギャラリー&プリントメイカーThe Working Proof

MoonHare #09, by Overture

このシリーズは、2010年に湯布院のギャラリーブルーバレンでの展示、flau主催のOneiric Caravanツアー、2011年の冬には凍った川の上でのイベントPeskeomskut Noisecapades Inaugural、そしてPost Digital Monstersではパリのla Gaîté Lyriqueと、先日ベルリンで開催されたピクトプラズマでも展示されていた人気者です。

このプリントの売上げの15%は、昨年の秋にロスに行った時に訪ねた事もある826 National。6~18歳の子供達のための放課後の勉強&クリエイトの場を提供するNPOです。(前回訪れたときの模様:リンク中頃です)

プリントは以下の3サイズです:8インチx10インチ (50枚限定, 35ドル), 11インチx14インチ (50枚限定, 60ドル), 16インチx20インチ (25枚限定 竹製パネルマウント, 595ドル)

英語のみですが、主催のAnna Corpronが行った短いインタビューも掲載されています。英語のみですが、アメリカ以外の国からのオーダーも受け付けているそうです。


So Pictoplasma's The Character Compendium arrived the other day! And though we already mentioned what the book was ( a collection of different character-oriented artists' work) we wanted to share a couple of photos of our copy (and our illustrations within).

The selection of our work included in the book are all watercolor and ink illustrations, a few Dreamers, some panels from the MoonHare origin story and our old Alpaca Dream watercolor. The printing is very nice, the colors are great and sharp.
There is a huge representation of different artists and designers in this book and their various character work. I will be spending a lot of time losing myself in this book. Hopefully others do the same!

以前ここでお知らせしたPictoplasmaのキャラクター辞典、The Character Compendiumがベルリンから届きました。

本書では見開き2ページにわたって、水彩をベースにしたイラストレーションが紹介されています。アルパカドリーム、 そしてDreamersMoonHareのシリーズから数点ずつ掲載されています。

Pictoplasma Character Compendium!

The second character encyclopedia from Pictoplasma, The Character Compendium, is out now (since 5/4) and some of our work is included! We are still waiting on a copy so our photos and impressions will come at a later date, but we did want to mention the book's existence. If it is anything like the first encyclopedia though, it is sure to be amazing.
The work of ours that is in the book is from the Moon Hare series (some of which was recently in Pictoplasma's La Gâité Lyrique show, Post Digital Monsters last winter) and the Dreamers series.

More on this soon, but if you are fan of characters and creatures this is certainly something to take a look at!

ベルリンが拠点のキャラクターデザインプロジェクト、ピクトプラズマが5/4に出版したキャラクター辞典の第2弾、Pictoplasma - The Character Compendiumに作品が収録されています。
(第1弾:The Character Encyclopaedia

今までに、BLESSBryum and Kapokの上映、パリ&ベルリンでのポスト・デジタル・モンスターズでの作品展示などありましたが今回は本への作品掲載です。

Pictoplasma Paris
NYC Tabi(PictoplasmaのNYCカンファレンスを訪れた時のものです)

MAGI NIGH Lodge Reflections


Thank you to everyone who came to the MAGI NIGH Lodge at Minami no Kaze, Yufuin!
It was an excellent way to kickoff the MAGI NIGH series, full of children and creation and food.  More people came than we expected and everything ran much later than planned and we are very grateful for both!  There was a great deal of mask making and a lot of animation viewing in the beautiful wood bathtub (until the ashiyuu became full on bathing by some of the younger guest, which is when we moved the projector into the downstairs bedroom for more relaxed viewing) and when it became late and everyone was getting tired we brought out the paper and did a number of turns of Vision Round.

Minami no Kaze is an amazing place in Yufuin.  In one part of town, towards the train station, it is an Italian restaurant, while higher up the mountainside it is a sweet little post and beam lodge with an onsen (hotspring) piped right into the back room.  We had to make a few arrangements to accommodate our plans for the MAGI NIGH Lodge, move some furniture, cover the transparent plastic bathroom roof to make it dark enough for screening, but it was really the perfect location for this event.

There were many younger folks, but a good number of adults interested in interesting goings-on came out and participated as well.  It was five to six hours of incredibly positive energy.
In many ways Lodge was not just a starting point for the MAGI NIGH series but also a reintroduction of Overture and the Magi Union to the area.  There is a lot we want to do in Yufuin, Beppu and Oita and Kyushuu in general, and Lodge was one of our first steps to doing more.  There was certainly a lot of enthusiasm for Lodge and a lot of interest in doing something similar again.  We look forward to being back again soon to expand on our ideas!
Also a great deal of thanks from us to Rie Okuma and DJ Michael J Foks, the other two members of Magi Union (who we will properly introduce sooon!!!) who were right with us working just as hard, if not harder the whole afternoon and evening.  And there were many other folks who came and helped out throughout the event and we are incredibly grateful to all of their help!

Now on to Projecting Together, Wayfinding, Ritual Exchange and more!!!
Oh, and photos from the event below!  Check out the photos!

MAGI NIGH イベントシリーズのひとつめとして、4/17に由布院の南の風山荘で開催されたMAGI NIGH Lodge (マジナイロッジ)。天気にも恵まれて最初のキックスタートにふさわしいとても賑やかな夜になりました。

外には受付とBBQ!そして子供達の参加もけっこうあるだろうと予想したMagi Unionメンバーが作ったカレーも!(予想は大あたりでした)


マスク作り終了後、イベントの終了時間を少し延長してテラスとダイニングの間のガラス戸を閉めて山荘の中でVISION ROUND(絵を描くサークル)もできました。


そして次は、日田での4/27Projecting Together, 明日館での5/5−6Wayfinding, スーパーデラックス5/8Ritual Exchange



That's Magi Union member, Rie Okuma at the reception table in the top image and click the link below to a gif animation of us drawing the welcome board, taken by Magi Union member, Michael J Foks!

Here's another gif taken by Michael of the first folks who showed up!









Rayons album artwork
As we waited to board the plane from Tallinn to Prague we received a curious email from the manager of Predawn (we collaborated with the singer/songwriter last year at the flau organized event, Foundland) at HIP LAND MUSIC asking if we would be interested in working with a new artist, Rayons, on their debut album (on the Rondade label in Japan).  Rayons is lovely, subtle music, with plenty of curiosity and mystery and touches of longing and darkness.  It is mainly piano with cello and ambient noise accompaniment and Predawn adds vocals on a number of tracks.
We've already created the album artwork - the cover of which you can see up top (with images of the back and inside, as well as photos of the printed, physical digipak coming soon!) and the album goes on sale January 18th, although some sites already have it listed (Amazon, Tower Records, PCI Music)

来年1/18に発売されるRayonsの1stミニアルバム”After The Noise Is Gone”のアルバムのデザインを担当しました。
Rayons(レイヨン)は現代音楽家・中井雅子さんのソロプロジェクトで、日本の Rondadeというレーベルからのリリースです。 (ただいまAmazonTower RecordsPCI Musicなどで予約受付中です)

きっかけは少し前、先月エストニア・タリンを訪ねた旅のあと、Wifi放題のタリンの空港でプラハ行きの飛行機を待ってる時に頂いたメールでした。去年の夏、 flauさん主催のイベントFoundlandでご一緒したPredawnさんのマネージャーさんからで、来年デヴューする現代音楽家Rayonsさんの音楽のためのアートワークの相談を受けたところから、とんとんと話が進んでコラボレーションさせてもらうことになりました。この中で3曲、predawnさんがボーカルで参加しています。


Now we are working on an animated video for one of the tracks on the album - with a super tight deadline!  So our holiday season is going to be filled with late nights and graphite shavings on everything.  But we really wouldn't want it any other way.



Sesame Print


The illustration we did for Perfect Wave magazine that came out in January this year is now available as a print!  Digital print on archival paper or archival print on stretched canvas from 10" x 3" up to 40" x 10".
As previously mentioned, the left and right side of the illustration connect and loop in the digital magazine, but if you buy the print you can wrap it around your head and view the cafe interior in immersive 360 degrees!

The illustration is of the cafe, Sesame, the central location of a story and world we have been creating and thinking about since nearly our start.  The main characters, Chim and Harold, are present in the illustration, Chim working at the bar and Harold performing on the little stage.  Our goal is to create a feature length animation of their story, as well as an album comic.  And more illustrations, certainly!

今年の1月にリリースされたPerfectwave magazine #1 のために制作した、横にながーーーいイラストレーションが、Sosiety6でプリントで購入できるようになりました!サイズもいろいろと揃っています。

以前も紹介の時に書いたと思いますが、このイラストは最初と最後がループで繋がるようになってます。Perfect magazineではループになるようにしてくれたので、まだ見た事ない人はぜひチェックしてグルグルしてみてください。

…で、このプリントなんですが これは紙なので自然にループしたりはしません。



R&S Hanky

R&S Hanky

Here's a little something we meant to put up a long while ago, but we got caught up and distracted in other things!  It's a handkerchief design we created for our friends' wedding.  Their marriage was July 2010 and held in Tokyo, just after we arrived.
They asked us to include some things they liked which is why records, pens, burgers, peppers, tomatoes, nail polish and beer is everywhere.
The hankies were included in the gift bags every guest received.

They are old and very dear friends of ours and it was a great honor to be a part of their wedding in this way, especially since we live so far apart these days.





R&S HankyR&S Hanky

Perfect Wave

Issue No. 1 of Perfect Wave is now available!  There is a lot of amazing artwork, writing and music stuffed into this first issue!  We weren't able to successfully embed the magazine here yet so you should head over to the site to see the whole thing!  Our illustration is about two thirds of the way in but you can also jump straight to it here.
The music is, once again, by our good friend Rec.tangle, and the piece is another short sketch he wrote for our future Sesame animation.
The illustration is of a typical evening at the cafe/bar, Sesame, where Chim, the owner, works at the counter and Harold, the wandering performer, warms up the customers.
We will put a full version of the panoramic illustration here later but for now enjoy it in its intended, looping form (the ends were created to connect) with music.
Below are some images taken from the main illustration.

ブルックリン発のオンラインマガジン、Perfectwave magazine(パーフェクトウェイブマガジン)、第1号がとうとう公開されましたーー!すっごくいい感じです!

Perfectwave magazine:

Perfectwave magazine/overture brown:

(launch audioという所をクリックすれば音楽がスタートします。)

(ちなみにこれが2006年に作られたパイロット版SESAMEの映像:Sesame Ⅰ

今回、Perfectwave magazineのお話が来てまず作ってみたかったのが、横にスクロールするという特性を生かしたもの。そこから、SESAMEの物語の中に出てくるカフェ&バーSESAMEの店内を360℃見渡しているという設定ができました。





Hairy Scissors in Kasino Creative Annual
This is the spread of the hairy scissors we illustrated for KASINO's new publication KASINO CREATIVE ANNUAL, released on May 1st. As always, the book is beautiful, lovely stories, photos, illustrations and all tied up together in surprising and satisfying ways.
The theme of this Annual is hair and is overflowing with rich locks and itchy little strays, right down to the credits as we are mentioned as follows:
"OVERTURE is a New England based illustrator team of which JASON BROWN has black beard and AYA BROWN has raven-black hair."

Kasino Creative Annual
昨年10月に終了したヘルシンキのKASINO A4が、毎回1つの事にテーマを絞る"本でも雑誌でもない(編集部談)" KASINO creative annualとして新たに生まれ変わりました。
5/1に発売されたばかりの第1号、髪にがテーマの”about HAIR” に「毛むくじゃらのハサミ」のイラストレーションで参加してます。
”Overtureはニューイングランドを拠点とした、黒い髭のJason Brownと烏の黒髪を持つAya Brownで構成されるイラストレーターチーム”

Hairy Scissors


Goods! Stuff! Today the R.I.P. tees we designed for KASINO landed on our doorstep! They are great! And still available on the KASINO site! Here's a better view of the original drawing. Stay tuned for more great stuff from these guys!

今日、とってもいい天気(晴天22℃)の中で家に帰ってきたらドアの所にフィンランドからの小包!中を見るとKASINOのためにデザインしたR.I.P. Tシャツでした!それも2枚!今まで見た事がないほど細かいプリントで、美しい仕上がりです。

R.I.P. Original
Also, next to the tee is a KiraKira bag! It was made by KiraKira! And it also arrived recently with some KiraKira tshirts and cds! We're looking to sell these bags and shirts - hopefully when we have another Storytellers event of some kind or if you are interested just send us an email!
The image on the bag is the Bless section of the map/liner notes we created for KiraKira's Our Map to the Monster Olympics!

白地のトートに、彼女のアルバム、Our Map to the Monster Olympicsに入っているライナーの「BLESS 」の部分の絵がプリントされています。

Alfa Romeo/ アルファロメオ


After being nominated for the Swatch Young Illustrators Award 2009 at the Illustrative festival in Berlin last year, we were asked by the folks at Illustrative to participate in the 100 year anniversary of automaker, Alfa Romeo, occurring in the spring of this year.
Working with archived racing photos and various automobile and logo designs from the company, we created an illustration which is now up on the Alfa Romeo Art site available as a print of various sizes and qualities.
Details on a future exhibition with the pieces coming soon!

昨年ベルリンで開催された IllustrativeSwatch Young Illustrators Award 2009 のアニメーション部門に「Bryum&Kapok」 がノミネートされたご縁でお声がかかり、イタリアの車のブランドアルファロメオの創立100周年記念のイベントに参加する事になりました。



Here's a poor shot of our piece in the Creatures & Monsters group show at Through the Music Gallery in Brattleboro, VT we spoke of last week. Below is the original drawing. For the show we cut it up and mounted it on plexiglass we spray painted the back of black. It sort of looks like the three deceased are floating.
The show goes until the 25th!

先日スタートしたThrouth the music gallery でのグループ展、”Creature & Monster” オープニングの夜に訪ねてきました。今回の作品は3人のモンスターの死体で形作った「R.I.P」の文字です。相変わらずたくさんの人で賑わっていたTTMG(撮るの忘れちゃいましたが)、25日まで開催中です。お近くの方はぜひお立ち寄りください。

Creatures & Monsters and a little bit of Overture

The image above has all the info, but there's a monster-themed group show opening this coming Friday at Through the Music Gallery (where we've shown at before) and we have one new piece that will be taking part. The opening reception is from 5:30 - 9:00 PM on Friday, November 6th!
We'll also have photos up of the new piece after the exhibition is under way.

今週の金曜日から、以前展示した事のあるバーモント州・ブラトルボロのThrough the Music Gallery で開催されるグループ展「Creatures & Monsters」に新作イラストレーションで参加します。オープニングレセプションは11/6の5:30 - 9:00。

KiraKira TourTour

KiraKira is going on a short tour of Europe this September and we designed a poster for it!... or at the moment for this first stop at Sódóma, a venue in Reykjavík she'll be playing at on September 5th. The image is going to be used for more show posters though and flyers too so keep your eyes peeled for dates and locations on KiraKira's Myspace page!

Also, below is a a larger version of the poster, simplified. There are some little folks worth a look hanging around the letters.





AZUL: It's here!

AZUL: It's here!
AZUL: It's here!
AZUL: It's here!
Just when we thought we wouldn't see them until the new year - three boxes arrived stuffed full of the Azul/Ben Chasny split 12"!!!
It's our first experience with our work on vinyl and... it is very satisfying.
If anyone is interested in possibly purchasing a print of the liner we created, please let us know as we are in the processing/considering stage of getting some made... we'll provide you with an image of course, for preview - or actually maybe we'll just upload the image here so anyone can get a proper look.

Also, some corrections: on the PSF site the copies available is listed as 800 - there are only 700.
On the back cover of the record jacket on song no. 5 Hiroyuki Usui is credited with guitar - but it should be bass.

8/5に発売されたばかりのAzul & Six Organs of Admittanceのsplit盤が本日家に届きました!



★裏カバーの"Old man side (Azul)"の5曲目、Hiroyuki Usuiの演奏楽器にGuitarとありますが、Bassの間違いです。

Here's some detailed images of the jacket, posted previously:
AZUL front
AZUL back


Two people bundled for rough weather. This has been a bit of a repose for us as we work on more structured and repetitive projects.

18"x22" watercolor & ink. We had to take a photo because this was much too big for our scanner


45×56センチ 水彩&インク

Overture Cloth Swatch


This is the sample swatch of one of the projects we spoke of previously. We are looking to make some things out of Overture patterned cloth to sell at screenings and perhaps online and elsewhere. We will have more on this project in the near future, including what we are actually making with the fabric and when they will be first available!
The wonderful folks who are doing all the large fabric pattern printing for us are Spoonflower out of North Carolina. Take a visit!


MOYTOY Phobia exhibition!



We're participating in PHOBIA EXHIBITION, a group exhibition next month put together by MOYTOY at Gallery 101 in Kaunas, Lithuania!
Above is the illustration we created for the exhibition. Participating artists were asked to select a phobia and express it how they saw fit. We chose "lachanophobia", fear of vegetables.
The exhibition runs from June 5th to 20th and there is an opening party on the 5th from 5PM.
It's been a while since we were in any kind of exhibition so it is pretty exciting!

6月5日より、リトアニア・KaunasのGallery 101で開催されるMOYTOY主催の企画展「PHOBIA EXHIBITION」に参加します。




30th Durban International Film Festival

Bryum & Kapok
will be screened at the 30th Durban International Film Festival held by the Centre for Creative Arts at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa this Summer! The festival runs from July 22rd - August 3rd.
We will of course, post more details as they become known to us.

速報です。南アフリカのDurbanにあるKwaZulu-Natal大学内のCentre for Creative Artsで開催される、第30回 Durban International Film Festivalにて『Bryum & Kapok』 が上映決定というお知らせを頂きました!

We also uploaded some older work on flickr over the weekend!