Shopping Overture

Magical pendants,  strange and enchanting scenes, busts of powerful visionaries: here is the Overture shopping guide! There are four locations to purchase something of ours now and we're laying out the differences between each here as well as some of the perks that apply to particular sites during the holiday season.

Just yesterday an Overture shop opened at Big Cartel and it will house original work exclusively! At the moment we are setting up just five pieces, three of the Dreamers and two older works for reduced prices. Shipping is free through the end of the year!
まずひとつめは昨日ショップをオープンしたばかりのBig Cartel です。ここではOvertureのイラストレーションのオリジナルを販売しています。

We've had quite a few prints available for order in a variety of forms for a while now on Society6. All of the Dreamers, Zodiac illustrations, the looping Sesame illustration and others are up there - and shipping is free through Monday!

We only have one item on Etsy at the moment, the Leaf pendant from Ludic Chase - and there are only 8 left! And they are only $15! We plan to have more physical items of this nature available soon, but you may want to pick one of these up for yourself or a loved one while they are still around.

みっつめは先日もここでお知らせしたEtsyストアのLudic Chaseのリーフペンダント。15ドルで、残りは8個になっています。近いうちにこのペンダントのような身につけられる/絵ではないけど手に取ってもらえるようなグッズをまた作りたいと思っています。それまではこのリーフペンダントを手元にどうぞ。

Finally there is our MoonHare piece at The Working Proof. At the moment it is the only place to pick up any of the illustrations from the MoonHare series. There are three different sizes available with prices adjusted accordingly. And of course the best part is that 15% of the gross sale goes to 826 National!!!

最後はムーンヘアシリーズの作品から一点、The Working Proofにて販売中です。こちらもサイズが選べます。購入した金額のうち15%が、放課後の地域の子供達への学習サポートや地元のミュージシャンなどによるワークショップ等の活動をしているナイスなNPO、826 Nationalへの寄付になります。

The Working Proof

The Working Proof, an online artist print store that donates 15% of all sales to a number of charities contacted us a while ago about selling Overture prints through them.
We were happy to!
But at the time they were only selling prints that the artists made themselves. Since we didn't have any prints of our works we had to wait - until now! Recently, The Working Proof has been producing prints for some artists as well (Anna Corpron and Sean Auyeung, the founders, are Printmakers) and one of our illustrations was just released for sale today!
The piece is from the MoonHare series we created in 2010 and traveled to Japan with during the Oneiric Caravan tour with the record label flau. We also showed the series at the Peskeomskut Noisecapades Inaugural in 2011 and some of the illustrations traveled to la Gaîté Lyrique in Paris and Berlin in Pictoplasma's Post Digital Monsters group show this past winter.
None of the illustrations from the MoonHare series have been made a print yet, so this is the first opportunity to get a copy of a part of it - at a reasonable price!
And just in time for Ludic Chase, which we will release online later this summer!
In this scene from the MoonHare series, Hobomuck the giant has pinned the ears of the young MoonHare to the full moon where its power spills down into his tail.
Aside from some planning, the general shape and idea of where in the story the illustration would fit, this piece, like most of Overture illustration work, was improvised.

This is a digital print and available in three sizes: 8"x10" (edition of 50, $35), 11"x14" (edition of 50, $60), 16"x20" (edition of 25 mounted on bamboo panel, $595)

From the charities The Working Proof works with we chose 826 National. They are great! We visited their LA location last fall and will take a look at their Boston chapter very soon!

Anna Corpron from The Working Proof did a short interview with us which is also available up on their site. It is brief and we offer some more in depth answers to the story behind the MoonHare, some of our recent interests, artists we like, etc.

Oh, and if you are interested in the print but can't afford it right now or want someone else to buy it for you, The Working Proof even makes it possible to add it to your Amazon Wishlist right on the print's listing page!

ニューヨークのオンラインギャラリー&プリントメイカーThe Working Proof

MoonHare #09, by Overture

このシリーズは、2010年に湯布院のギャラリーブルーバレンでの展示、flau主催のOneiric Caravanツアー、2011年の冬には凍った川の上でのイベントPeskeomskut Noisecapades Inaugural、そしてPost Digital Monstersではパリのla Gaîté Lyriqueと、先日ベルリンで開催されたピクトプラズマでも展示されていた人気者です。

このプリントの売上げの15%は、昨年の秋にロスに行った時に訪ねた事もある826 National。6~18歳の子供達のための放課後の勉強&クリエイトの場を提供するNPOです。(前回訪れたときの模様:リンク中頃です)

プリントは以下の3サイズです:8インチx10インチ (50枚限定, 35ドル), 11インチx14インチ (50枚限定, 60ドル), 16インチx20インチ (25枚限定 竹製パネルマウント, 595ドル)

英語のみですが、主催のAnna Corpronが行った短いインタビューも掲載されています。英語のみですが、アメリカ以外の国からのオーダーも受け付けているそうです。

Kichimu Summer Tshirts! / キチムでTシャツ!

English below!





場所は吉祥寺キチム内ギャラリー STONE
Overtureで"Moon Hare"の展示やStorytellersをやったあのギャラリーです。

私達の他には、第一回ほぼ日作品大賞sunuiさん、Spoken Words Projectさん、Toraneko bonbonさん, anuenueさん, Jubileeさん, Boojilさん, 扇谷一穂さん他と、キチム&STONEにゆかりのある人達が参加します。なんて面白そうな企画!


Far away in our Summer Camp it is a wonderful surprise to be contacted by the outside world.  This happened the other day when we received an email from the gallery STONE to come up with a tshirt design or two for an upcoming showcase/launch:

"Sweaty! Summer Tshirts Launch at Kichimu"!

We had an exhibition and a Storytellers performance with Toyama Takeo last summer at STONE, located in Kichijoji's Kichimu, and it is our great pleasure to work with them again!
Plus, the other folks involved in the show make some truly amazing stuff.   Spoken Words Project, Sunui, Toraneko bonbon, anuenue, Jubilee, Boojil, Kazuho Oogiya, among others will be designing shirts along with us!

Summers in Japan are super hot and heavy with humidity and this Tshirt launch will hopefully help to alleviate the sweaty oppression and lift spirits!  We are doing our best to come up with some refreshing and ridiculous designs!

The tshirts will be on display on the following dates: 8/12, 8/13, 8/14, 8/19, 8/20, 8/21 and available for purchase or order during these times or anytime afterwards.

Sesame Print


The illustration we did for Perfect Wave magazine that came out in January this year is now available as a print!  Digital print on archival paper or archival print on stretched canvas from 10" x 3" up to 40" x 10".
As previously mentioned, the left and right side of the illustration connect and loop in the digital magazine, but if you buy the print you can wrap it around your head and view the cafe interior in immersive 360 degrees!

The illustration is of the cafe, Sesame, the central location of a story and world we have been creating and thinking about since nearly our start.  The main characters, Chim and Harold, are present in the illustration, Chim working at the bar and Harold performing on the little stage.  Our goal is to create a feature length animation of their story, as well as an album comic.  And more illustrations, certainly!

今年の1月にリリースされたPerfectwave magazine #1 のために制作した、横にながーーーいイラストレーションが、Sosiety6でプリントで購入できるようになりました!サイズもいろいろと揃っています。

以前も紹介の時に書いたと思いますが、このイラストは最初と最後がループで繋がるようになってます。Perfect magazineではループになるようにしてくれたので、まだ見た事ない人はぜひチェックしてグルグルしてみてください。

…で、このプリントなんですが これは紙なので自然にループしたりはしません。



Books & Prints, Bits & Pieces

Some bits and pieces here.
We never mentioned this here, but during the Summer we were in an IdN book, The New Twenties, a collaboration between IdN and Society6, where we have some of our work up.  There are a lot of really amazing folks in the book and we were fortunate enough to be invited to the party.
Here's our "Creators" page on the IdN.

今年の夏に発売された、香港発の デジタルデザインマガジン「IdN」と、デザイナー&イラストレーターのショーケース「Society6」 のコラボで作られた本、”The New Twenties”にイラストレーションが掲載されています。


Also, on the topic of Society6, we recently made some the work we did for our Summer exhibitions in Japan available as prints on the site.  These are ink and watercolor portraits of the Dreamers, the researchers who study the movements and messages of the MoonHare.


