
We've put together a bit of a digest of recent and upcoming Overture sightings!
前回ここで紹介したdublabイベント以外にも、ここでひとつひとつお知らせできてないですが最近いろんな場所で上映があります(&ありました)。 上映されたもの、これから上映されるもの、いくつか紹介しますね。
Kinofest / Romania

On October 28th, Ludic Chase screened in "Off animation 3" at Kinofest International Digital Film Festival in Romania! Many thanks!

ルーマニアの映画祭Kinofest International Digital Film Festivalの"Off animation 3"プログラムにてLudic Chaseが上映されました。


Optica Festival / Spain

From November 29th through December 1st Bryum & Kapok screened at Spain's Domhan Óptica Festival 2012 in Gijón! YAY!

スペイン北部アストゥリアス州の都市、Gijón(ヒホン)で開催される映画祭Domhan Óptica Festival 2012(11/29-12/1)にて、12/1にBryum & Kapokが上映されました。  ヒホン、いつか行ってみたい。 


Laterna Magica / France

Starting on December 5th and running through the 23rd, BLESS and Bryum & Kapok will be screening as part of the program, "Les Petites Formes", in the festival, Laterna Magica in France.
We are happy to be one of the focused artists with Allison Schulnik and Lilli Carré.

Taken from the festival site:
"Cette année, ce programme mettra plus particulièrement en lumière le travail de Lilli Carré, d’Allison Schulnik et du Studio Overture, qui chacun à leur façon, réinventent le langage du cinéma d’animation."
(This year, the program will specifically highlight the work of Lilli Carré, Schulnik Allison and Overture Studio, which in their own way, reinventing the language of animation.)

フランス・マルセイユの映画祭Laterna Magica (12/5-23)。

OvertureはAllison SchulnikLilli Carréと共に今年のこのプログラムのハイライト作家ということで、BLESSBryum & Kapok を上映させてもらうことになりました。


DOTMOV / Japan & World

And of course DOTMOV continues to tour its festival, screening Ludic Chase and Halfway all over the world. Their screenings are often times free, so take a look at their schedule and visit if you have the chance!

こちらもただいま上映中ですね。先日お伝えしたDOTMOVでもLudic ChaseHalfwayの二作品が選ばれて、ただいま国内外を巡回上映ツアー中です!(上映会場・スケジュールはこちら)


“Future Roots” WORKSHOP for children

The Japanese branch of dublab,, has officially officially opened and it looks just like the US home version, but in Japanese and with Japanese events listed. In conjunction with this site ground breaking is an event, Future Roots, at Shibaura House on 12/9. 
During this music event there will be a workshop a CD recording workshop, with our animations screening afterward! We are very happy to be able to once again be a part of a event after our Fruiting Bodies event back in April.

昨年の秋にLAのdublab12周年イベントのためにMushroom Huntingのアニメーションを製作&上映させてもらったり、今年の春の日本旅ではイベントFruiting BodiesでJordan Kimと共に映像上映をさせてもらっているdublab。
12/9に東京のSHIBAURA HOUSEで開催される×SHIBAURA HOUSE のイベント“Future Roots”




WORKSHOP for children 後、Overtureによるアニメーション上映決定!

この日はロスより初来日のMatthewdavidとAnenonライブをはじめ、日本よりBun / Fumitake Tamuraさん、Chihei Hatakeyamaさんのライブ、 ShhhhhさんのDJなどあり、


from Animation "Halfway"

For the third time we will be in the DOTMOV Festival, run by Sapporo online magazine, SHIFT! The first was in 2008, the second in 2010 and now 2012 with two animations selected, Halfway and Ludic Chase! We are very grateful!
Ludic Chase isn't available online in its entirety yet, but we did put together a trailer and you can watch it below.

There are 13 films in the festival and the screenings will start from November and play not just in Japan but in the US, UK, Sweden and other countries.

今年選ばれたのは「Ludic Chase」「Halfway」です!
Ludic Chaseは短いトレイラーをオンラインで見れるようにしました。全編ではないですが、これで雰囲気を掴んでもらえたら…。

Ritual Exchange Photos

Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Here are some photos from the MAGI NIGH event, Ritual Exchange we did at Super Deluxe, Tokyo this past May. It really was an amazing night, as we wrote previously. There were a lot of elements to the whole event and everything came together...miraculously! So please, take a look. You can see the development of the live drawing we did over the course of the evening and see us working a bit of the puppetry fun we played with as well, all sweated out under the white mosquito tent.

5月にSuper Deluxeで開催されたMAGI NIGHの音楽イベントRitual Exchange
下の方の写真にあるライブドローイングでは、SOURさん達の時に黒いスクラッチ画、そしてhow many daughters? さん達の時に上に置いたグラスにもうひとつ絵のレイヤーを重ねる…という事をやってみています。

Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Aya
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Aya
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by OVTR
Photo by Aya
Photo by Aya
Photo by Aya
Photo by Aya
Photo by Aya
Photo by Aya
Photo by Aya

Projecting Together Hita Reflections

Finally getting around to this one! Saving the best for last, maybe? In any case, we thought it high time to talk about our event at Liberté in Hita, Japan last April (4/27), Projecting Together!

The event was split into two parts, a workshop in the afternoon and a screening & talk in the evening, featuring both the work of Overture and Jordan Kim who, as we mentioned before, traveled with us during the majority of our trip.
As with some of the other events we did, Projecting Together also ended up being very much about the children in attendance, in particular, their responses to the animation and videos we screened.

The workshop, a simple mask-making project we did at the MAGI NIGH event, Lodge and also numerous times during our 2010 Oneiric Caravan tour through the music label flau, was a great success. In the evening, after the screening finished, everyone still wanted to make masks. So we did.
I think we may have even bested the designs from our 2010 visit!

The screening was great as well. It was a lucky opportunity to see our work and Jordan's up on a large screen in such a beautiful little theater. When we visited in 2010 the theater had recently started and it was just finding its feet. Now it has made a real place for itself in the community, as well as starting to get some recognition in Kyushuu and throughout Japan. As a result there were quite a few more people in attendance than our first visit, especially children! Vocal children!
Everyone was amazingly attentive and quiet during the screenings, but as soon the Q & A began, children were grabbing at the mic asking questions, making comments and offering creative advice. Some kids would just start telling us the daydreams that came into their heads while they watched the videos.
It was really some of the best feedback we've ever received.

Liberté's great! We can't wait to do something there again! Thank you Hara-san, as always!

4/27に日田リベルテで開催されたワークショップ&上映会の夕べ、”Projecting Together”の事について書いてみようと思います。

2010年にOneiric Caravansheeprintと共に初めて訪れた日田の映画館リベルテ
2012年は、ロスから日本に遊びに来ていた友人の映像作家Jordan Kimと一緒に訪れて、ワークショップ、上映&トーク共にも彼に参加してもらいました。






Wayfinding Reflections

Photo by Yukiko Koshima

We're back in Western Massachusetts just in time to see the new green of Spring opening wide for Summer! We have a lot to do now but wanted to take some time to write our reports on the events we did not get around to talking about during our trip.

The first of these is  Wayfinding! It was an amazing experience for us! A form of something we've been wanting to do for a long time, this exploratory workshop is hopefully something we will be able to repeat in the future.

A two day workshop at Myonichikan with the same schedule on both days, we were surprised to find Wayfinding a completely different creature from the 5th to the 6th. On the 5th, the participants were primarily children while on the 6th only adults attended. We did not set out to have the workshop be for one or another age group, it was advertised as being children friendly (which we took to mean all ages).
Below we will talk about how each day played out!

As we wrote before, Wayfinding is a workshop we set up for making a personal constellation based on points of interest picked in a certain area. Our process in creating this constellation, this time, was to walk around a small area, picking out interesting locations and marking them on a map each participant carried with them. The maps then had transparencies placed over them and each point was marked with a paint marker and connected with straight lines. The participants would read these simple point-and-line layouts and find what creatures or objects they could see and then draw what they saw around the 
points and lines.




Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
On the first day, 5/5, mostly parents and their children attended and all our explanations and background planning was thrown out the window to get outside and start finding interesting points! 
We were at first concerned the children would forget the goal and process of the workshop for simply playing outdoors (the weather was beautiful), but to our surprise they followed our course of the area and marked point after point, drawing our attention to all sorts of interesting objects and locations we had not noticed or considered. With these fresh perspectives the course we had gone over multiple times took on a new look and the day went beyond what we had initially imagined.
After a few hours exploring and marking points outdoors we returned to Myonichikan and transferred the points to the transparencies and for a little while everyone was lost in drawing what they saw in their stars of interest. Afterwards, we each briefly talked about what we drew and why we chose some of the points we did. Both the children and their parents surprised us with the thought they put into choosing their points and what they saw in their decisions were beautiful and revealing. 
Working with children and adults together was a great experience and we would like to see an even greater mix in the future!

Photo by Ken Iijima
Photo by Ken Iijima
Photo by Ken Iijima
Photo by Ken Iijima
Photo by Ken Iijima
Photo by Ken Iijima
Photo by Ken Iijima
Photo by Ken Iijima
Photo by Ken Iijima
Photo by Ken Iijima
Photo by Ken Iijima
Photo by Ken Iijima
Photo by Ken Iijima

Photo by Aya
That being said, the second day, 5/6, was all adults and ended up being an incredible and different experience all together. At first we were able to elaborate on the background of the workshop and share some of our animation. When we started out, the weather was very nice, and we all agreed it would be pleasant to have a drink while strolling the area of Toshima-ku and picking out interesting points (public drinking is legal and perfectly acceptable in Japan). So we picked up drinks and walked the first leg of the course and everything was going beautifully.
Then suddenly the sky went dark and it began to rain. This began our adventure, where the weather started from nice to lousy to cloudy to lousy to a drizzle to hail and heavy winds and finally back to beautiful. We would run and take cover from the rain and then continue, then take cover and then continue again. At one point we considered canceling the remaining parts of the course and returning to Myonichikan but everyone was in favor of finishing what we had started. 
The last burst of the storm hit us with hail and powerful winds and we wondered if would have to find taxis to take us back, but then the clouds lifted - just as we reached Mejiro Teien, an amazing secluded garden in the middle of the city.
We completed the course and returned to Myonichikan and like the previous day, everyone lost themselves in transferring the points and creating their constellations.

二つの作品(Ludic Chase/BLESS)を見てもらいながら、この作品達が私たちの生活のどういう部分とシンクロして、どういう風に無意識の部分から拾い上げるのか…などなどです。
Photo by Aya
Photo by Aya
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima 
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima 
Photo by Yukiko Koshima
Photo by Yukiko Koshima

As we said, both days were successful as they were different, and as the middle Magi Nigh event between Lodge in Yufuin, a children-heavy event, and Ritual Exchange at Super Deluxe, an adult-heavy evening, Wayfinding stood as more as a crossover than we could have planned.
We look forward to doing this workshop again, in Japan and hopefully other countries as well!

3つのマジナイイベントの真ん中で、子供満載の湯布院Lodge、そしてアダルトな音楽イベントRitual Exchangeの間で偶然にもちょうどよく世代が混ざったワークショップでした。

Ritual Exchange Reflections


Ritual Exchange! We went in wondering what kind of chaotic mess we had made for ourselves and came out just as surprised as everyone else.

It was amazing!

All four musical acts were incredible and offered different styles, keeping the evening fresh and interesting from set to set.

Ohshu with Cero and Daisuke Tanabe each approached our animations in their own way and presented new perspectives and emotional responses to our work that we had never seen before.

And we managed to not fall apart and come up with something worth looking at, both with our very simple magi puppetry and also with the live drawing for SOUR and How Many Daughters?, culminating in a single, two layer illustration. The wall projections of these analog offerings would not have been nearly as watchable as they were without the help of VJ Mitchel, who really kept the show running the entire evening.

DJs Kai Kunimoto and Michael J Foks kept the mood between sets and Rika Yoda, Sanae and our buddy Jordan Kim sold cds, tshirts, pins, postcards and pendants at the merchandise table. It was an amazing joint effort keeping the evening as exciting as it was and we are incredibly grateful!

We are expecting photos and possibly some video of the evening shortly so we will post those as they become available! The live scoring of our animations was truly a revelation and we wish to do more! Once Ludic Chase is available on the internet we will be certain to share the version Daisuke Tanabe performed as well.

Reflections for Wayfinding and Projecting Together are coming soon! Things have been a bit hectic but we thought we would put this up first and then work backwards. We still have a screening on Sunday 5/13 and are also working on a new animated music video that should release in June I think, so things are just beginning to heat up! Just in time for Summer, maybe?

8日の夜、六本木スーパーデラックスでのRitual Exchangeは無事終了いたしました!


王舟さん&荒内佑(cero)さん達は「Bryum & Kapok3部作」に、そしてDaisuke Tanabeさんは「Ludic Chase」 に即興で音楽をつけてくれました。
SOURさんと How Many Daughters?さん達の演奏のときは、ライブドローイングをそれぞれおこなって、2組の演奏が終わった時にひとつの作品ができるようなものを制作しました。SOURさんの時は、クレヨンをレイヤー上に重ねたものを竹のペンでスクラッチ、How Many Daughters?さん達の時は、その上にグラスを重ねて下の絵が見える形でグラスの上にもう一つの絵を描くという事をやりました。


DJs Kai Kunimoto さんと マジナイの主催者でもあるDJ Michael J Foksは、会場の空気をワクワクさせてくれてましたし、物販ブースでのヨダちゃん、さなちゃん、そして写真&ビデオ撮影とブースのサポートもしてくれたJordan Kim、みんな本当に長時間がんばってくれてほんとうにどうもありがとう!

当日の会場の様子をうつした写真やビデオはたくさんあるのでまた後日あらためて紹介したいと思います。Wayfinding と Projecting Together の感想も近日中にアップします!



MAGI NIGH Lodge and Projecting Together are finished but the many Tokyo events are just about to begin! We've introduced them here and there in their own posts, but realized it would probably be wise to present a single schedule for convenience. We want you to come to all of these!!!

5/3 Fruiting Bodies (presented by - DJ event and screening
5/5 & 5/6 MAGI NIGH Wayfinding - neighborhood/personal constellation making workshop!
5/8 MAGI NIGH Ritual Exchange - music, live drawing, live scoring, screening extravaganza at Super Deluxe!
5/13 Setagaya Video Festival 2012 - Screening, talk and DJ event

Wayfinding spots are filling up so reserve either a Saturday or Sunday slot now at! If you need a refresher of what we'll be doing take a look at our post on the event or feel free to ask us directly!

Also, there is some concern that there may be too many people to allow into the Ritual Exchange event, considering the artists lined up and the holiday week, so please reserve a ticket at if you are interested in attending! Again, details on this event can be found at our post or ask us directly.

由布院でのMAGI NIGH Lodge と、 日田でのProjecting Together が終了して、これで九州での催しは終わりました。

dublab.jp主催のFruiting Bodies!DJ&スクリーニングのイベントです。映像はJordan KimとOverture。Jordanの映像が投稿でスクリーニングされるのはこれが初だと思います。DJ陣もdublabにゆかりのあるすごいメンバー&Magi Unionからマイケルが参加します!

MAGI NIGHイベントのワークショップWayfindingです。豊島区の自由学園明日館周辺で町の/自分の星座を作ってみる体験を通して、私達がどのように世界を見て、作品を作っているかの一部分を体験してもらえたらいいなあと考えています。

MAGU NIGHの音楽イベントRitual Exchange!六本木Super Deluxeで、音楽と、ライブドローイングと、即興演奏と、スクリーニングが同じ場所で観れる聴けるという夜!

第一回 世田谷映像祭 2012で上映とトークをする予定です。会場は松陰神社前のカフェSTUDYです。DJ、そしてVJの方の参加もあります。


Setagaya Video Festival 2012

On 5/13 we'll be joining the first Setagaya Video Festival 2012 at cafe Study in Setagaya. We'll be screening some of our work and doing a bit of q&a.
Another video artist, Hideyuki Katsumata (Little Dragon animated music video, among others), will also screen some of his work followed by a talk.
In addition to the screenings and talk there will be DJing (DJ family, Ryan Erik Williams & O・I) and VJing (Tajiff). It should be a great night!

5/13 6-11PM
1500yen (w/ 1drink)
STUDY (Setagaya line, Shoin Jinja Mae station)

More info (in Japanese...) on the MAGI NIGH Tumblr!

5/13(日)に世田谷区のカフェSTUDYにて開催される「第一回 世田谷映像祭2012」に上映とトークで参加させてもらいます。

第一回 世田谷映像祭 2012
場所:STUDY(世田谷線・松陰神社前駅より 徒歩10秒)
住所:東京都世田谷区若林4-20-7 1F

LittleDragonのMV(!)などを制作されているHideyuki Katsumataさん

DJは family / Ryan Erik Williams / O・I

各作家の詳しい紹介などはMAGI NIGHのタンブラにも書かれてますので興味のある方はこちらにどうぞ。




Fruiting Bodies

On 5/3 is throwing a DJ/screening event at Bonobo in Harajuku, Tokyo!
...and we're screening at it (maybe we'll DJ some day in the future. Not this time)! The main image is taken from the short Mushroom Hunting promo animation we made for dublab's 12th anniversary last year. Mushroom hunting as record selecting!
The title, Fruiting Bodies, refers to the ripe condition of a mushroom, perfect for picking, ready to spore.  We felt it was a good fit for the event, as there will be a number of dublab-related DJs spinning, plus Jordan Kim and our own Magi Union member/organizer, Michael J Foks!  Jordan will also be screening some of his work and this mess of interaction seemed like an excellent match for the imagery of spreading fungi.

Here is the current lineup:


★masaaki hara 
Organizer of Low End Theory Japan and curator of the Japanese side to Into Infinity(


Michael J Foks

And Jordan of course! presents "Fruiting Bodies" @jingumaebonobo
5/3 18:00~last train
 DJ: Shhhhh, Jordan Kim, Mike D, Kabeyah, Michael.J.Foks, Masaaki Hara
 Screening: Overture, Jordan kim

5/3に東京の神宮前Bonoboにてdublab.jpが主催するDJ&スクリーニングイベント“Fruiting Bodies(フルーティングボディーズ)”が開催されます。

メインビジュアルは、昨年dublab12周年の為に制作したMushroom Huntingのアニメーションから使って、謎の雰囲気を醸し出しています。

この“Fruiting Bodies”というタイトルには意味がいくつかあって、ひとつは菌が成長してキノコになった時の状態の事。自分のスタイル(熟れたキノコ)を育てて形作るDJ達…みたいな意味もあります。会場で菌糸を広げるように面白い人同士がつながればいいなあと思ってます。

今回はdublabに縁のある日本のDJの方達+Jordan Kimと、Magi UnionのメンバーでありオーガナイザーでもあるMichael J FoksもDJで参加します。とても楽しい夜になりそう!

★masaaki hara 
Michael J Foks
そして Jordan Kim!(彼は映像上映もします)
enchanted fern

bonoboで会いましょう! presents "Fruiting Bodies" @神宮前bonobo
5/3 18:00~終電くらいまで
 DJ: Shhhhh, Jordan Kim, Mike D, Kabeyah, Michael.J.Foks, Masaaki Hara
 Screening: Overture,Jordan kim

MAGI NIGH Lodge Reflections


Thank you to everyone who came to the MAGI NIGH Lodge at Minami no Kaze, Yufuin!
It was an excellent way to kickoff the MAGI NIGH series, full of children and creation and food.  More people came than we expected and everything ran much later than planned and we are very grateful for both!  There was a great deal of mask making and a lot of animation viewing in the beautiful wood bathtub (until the ashiyuu became full on bathing by some of the younger guest, which is when we moved the projector into the downstairs bedroom for more relaxed viewing) and when it became late and everyone was getting tired we brought out the paper and did a number of turns of Vision Round.

Minami no Kaze is an amazing place in Yufuin.  In one part of town, towards the train station, it is an Italian restaurant, while higher up the mountainside it is a sweet little post and beam lodge with an onsen (hotspring) piped right into the back room.  We had to make a few arrangements to accommodate our plans for the MAGI NIGH Lodge, move some furniture, cover the transparent plastic bathroom roof to make it dark enough for screening, but it was really the perfect location for this event.

There were many younger folks, but a good number of adults interested in interesting goings-on came out and participated as well.  It was five to six hours of incredibly positive energy.
In many ways Lodge was not just a starting point for the MAGI NIGH series but also a reintroduction of Overture and the Magi Union to the area.  There is a lot we want to do in Yufuin, Beppu and Oita and Kyushuu in general, and Lodge was one of our first steps to doing more.  There was certainly a lot of enthusiasm for Lodge and a lot of interest in doing something similar again.  We look forward to being back again soon to expand on our ideas!
Also a great deal of thanks from us to Rie Okuma and DJ Michael J Foks, the other two members of Magi Union (who we will properly introduce sooon!!!) who were right with us working just as hard, if not harder the whole afternoon and evening.  And there were many other folks who came and helped out throughout the event and we are incredibly grateful to all of their help!

Now on to Projecting Together, Wayfinding, Ritual Exchange and more!!!
Oh, and photos from the event below!  Check out the photos!

MAGI NIGH イベントシリーズのひとつめとして、4/17に由布院の南の風山荘で開催されたMAGI NIGH Lodge (マジナイロッジ)。天気にも恵まれて最初のキックスタートにふさわしいとても賑やかな夜になりました。

外には受付とBBQ!そして子供達の参加もけっこうあるだろうと予想したMagi Unionメンバーが作ったカレーも!(予想は大あたりでした)


マスク作り終了後、イベントの終了時間を少し延長してテラスとダイニングの間のガラス戸を閉めて山荘の中でVISION ROUND(絵を描くサークル)もできました。


そして次は、日田での4/27Projecting Together, 明日館での5/5−6Wayfinding, スーパーデラックス5/8Ritual Exchange



That's Magi Union member, Rie Okuma at the reception table in the top image and click the link below to a gif animation of us drawing the welcome board, taken by Magi Union member, Michael J Foks!

Here's another gif taken by Michael of the first folks who showed up!








Ritual Exchange

Our third MAGI NIGH event, Ritual Exchange, on 5/8 at SuperDeluxe in Tokyo, is shaping up to be something very special.  Four musical acts playing back and forth with us to create a unified visual-aural experience .  For two of the acts, in addition to their own sets, the musicians will play improvised scores to our animation, revealing new story angles and emotions in our past work.  For the other two musical acts then, we will turn around and offer a live visual response, drawing while the music plays and projecting the image on the venue wall.
When all is said and done, a complete vision will be presented and a simple story will have been told.
The musical lineup is amazing:


(Sohey, Hoshijima, Ken Takahashi)

Daisuke Tanabe

How Many Daughters?
(U-zhaan, Miu Sakamoto, Hirotaka "Shimmy" Shimizu)

Hope to see you there!!!
MAGI NIGH Tumblr, Twitter

3番目のMAGI NIGHイベントです!
5/8(火)六本木のSuperDeluxeにて、イメージと音楽の交易イベントRitual Exchangeが開催されます。



Daisuke Tanabeさん

How Many Daughters?
(U-zhaanさん, 坂本美雨さん, 清水ひろたかさん)



MAGI NIGH TumblrTwitter


On May 5th and 6th we will be holding two afternoon workshops (1-6PM) at the Flank Lloyd Wright designed, Jiyu Gakuen Myonichikan, in Toshima-ku.
The workshops are aimed at realizing the value of simple daily decisions and actions.  We will be creating constellations, reading the stars that develop from our own choices.
Following a brief introduction and explanation period, attendees will accompany us on a walk through the quiet backstreets surrounding Myonichikan where they will pick out locations on a map of the area.  The locations may be selected for any reason, whether the attendee felt something, was interested in something, or just selected randomly.
These selections, points on a map, will then become stars and the attendees will read, and then draw what shapes or creatures are formed by the stars.  We will have a more detailed description of how this process works in a future post.
The workshop sizes are limited, so if you like wandering around narrow streets and drawing on transparency sheets, write to and reserve a spot or two!  Folks of any age are encouraged to join.




Projecting Together

Here's a non-MAGI NIGH bit of news:

On 4/27 we'll be screening at the independent theatre, Liberté, in Hita, Japan!  We performed there in 2010 with the Oneiric Caravan and when Hara-san, the owner, learned of our current trip to Japan, he invited us back!
Like last time we will be doing a mask making workshop, but instead of the Storytellers performance and live drawing we will screen our recent work and do a bit of Q & A on each piece.
In addition to this we will be bringing along one other video artist, an incredibly talented and interesting individual, Jordan Kim!
For those who are not familiar with his work, here is a brief bio:

Jordan Kim is a Los Angeles-based writer, director, animator, and artist who has worked on such shows as the Nickelodeon children's program "Yo Gabba Gabba!" and Tim and Eric's "Tom Goes to the Mayor" on Adult Swim/Cartoon Network. In addition, he's directed animated and live-action music videos for artists such as Daedelus, Sam Prekop, Star Slinger, and Toro y Moi. His work has been featured on Pitchfork, Wired, Dazed and Confused, Nylon, MuchMusic, Stereogum, Gorilla vs Bear, among others.

So he is quite accomplished!  He will be screening his work and talking about it as well!  It should be quite an evening!

MAGI NIGHイベントのお知らせが続いてますが、他にもやりますよー。
まずは4/27に日田の映画館リベルテで、マスク作り&上映会&トークのイベント“Projection Together”を行ないます!
2010年の夏に、flauさんの企画“Oneiric Caravanツアー”で訪れてパフォーマンスしたのが始まりで、またこうして縁あって日田を訪れる事ができて、とてもうれしいです!


上映会…[時間]18:00開場 18:30開演[料金]前売1500円 当日2000円(1ドリンクオーダー)


今回の上映では、私達の友人のJordan Kim(も参加します!
彼は現在ロス在住の映像作家で、ミュージックビデオや私達も参加した米ニコロデオンの子供番組Yo Gabba Gabba!の制作スタッフでもあるとても才能のある人です。映像作ってる人もぜひ参加して、彼にいろいろ聞いてみたらいいのでは…と思います。


Next Tuesday (4/17) we will kick off the MAGI NIGH series with a small gathering in the mountains of Yufuin.
Held at the Minami-no-Kaze (Wind of the South) lodge, it will be a casual event to connect with each other and to prepare ourselves for future happenings.
There will be mask making and bbqing with local meats and produce and we will also be screening our work in a room with ashiyuu (hotspring foot soaking) for extreme relaxed absorption of Overture animation.
There will also be Vision Rounds, small drawing/collage sessions passed among guests to create pieces that belong to not any one creator but only to the moment and the Lodge itself.
It will be a very interesting evening and one that will open the door to future collaborations.

Starts from 3PM, if you need additional information please send us a mail or write to:
MAGI NIGH Tumblr, Twitter

次の火曜日(4/17)、MAGI NIGHシリーズのキックオフとして、由布院で小さなパーティーを開催します。クレンジング&コネクション!


それに合わせて今回はVision Roundsという小さなドローイングの実験もしてみたいと考えています。私達がOVTRを始めた頃に良ーくやってた遊びに似ているものです。

もし質問のある方は、 にお問い合わせください。
MAGI NIGH TumblrTwitter


We've mentioned it briefly, but the MAGI NIGH tumblr is now officially up and running!  Managed by the Magi Union (essentially us and an amazing couple who we will introduce in another post!), it is the place to go for all things MAGI NIGH.
Most of the site is only in Japanese at the moment, but there is a growing, lovely collection of images to browse, and all the basic event info (date, location) should be easily understandable.  I am trying to catch up and make all the posts available in English as well!  So keep checking back!

Here's the basic MAGI NIGH event lineup again (it is also listed on the left on the Tumblr page):

4/17 MAGI NIGH Lodge at Minami no Kaze in Yufuin
5/5 & 5/6 Wayfinding at Jiyugakuen Myonichikan in Toshima-ku, Tokyo
5/8 Ritual Exchange at Super Deluxe in Roppongi

We'll be writing on each of these events, starting tomorrow!  Any questions about attending these events can be asked to us directly or to the Magi Union (

And there is also a Twitter page that has just been set up, if that is how you prefer to receive your news!

Magi Unionが制作した、MAGI NIGH(マジナイ)イベントのTumblrページ、オープンしましたー!


一つ前のポストで紹介したように、今回MAGI NIGHイベントとして開催されるのは

4/17(火) MAGI NIGH Lodge/由布院・南の風山荘
5/5(土)& 6(日) Wayfinding/豊島区・自由学園明日館
5/8(火)  Ritual Exchange/六本木スーパーデラックス

ひとつひとつのイベントに、そしてMagi Union(マジャイ・ユニオン)のメンバーについても、また後日改めて紹介していこうと思います。






The events of MAGI NIGH!

4/17 MAGI NIGH Lodge
                 An intimate evening of ashiyuu (feet soaking), projections, masks, communication, bbq and more.  The official introduction of MAGI/NIGH!  Held at Minami-no-Kaze Sansou, Yufuin.

5/5, 5/6 Wayfinding
                 A two day workshop of personal constellation creation in the area of Toshima-ku, Tokyo. We will lead tours through the area and work with participants to reveal the stories and images in the everyday places they visit and choices they make.  Held at the Miyonichikan Jiyu Gakuen (designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and Arata Endo).

5/8 Ritual Exchange
                An aural and visual trade between Overture and selection of amazing musicians, passing back and forth between live drawing and improvised scores of our animation.  Held at Super Deluxe, Tokyo.

The image at the top is also the official main poster for MAGI NIGH.  You get the first clear look at the little magi that will be with us through the events as well as the general visual themes, namely the sky map in the background.
Elaborations on each event, the little magi and more coming soon!  Keep up here or on our facebook page or the MAGI NIGH tumblr


4/17(火) MAGI NIGH Lodge/マジナイロッジ

5/5(土)& 6(日) Wayfinding/ウェイファインディング
                 豊島区で町の星座を作るワークショップを行います。私たちが作品を作る時、ヒントや閃きの多くは私たち二人のふだんの生活の中から出てきます。今回のワークショップでは、会場である自由学園明日館の周辺を歩き回り、気になるポイントを集める事で自分の中から出てくるイメージや物語の芽を見つける体験を考えています。 明日館(みょうにちかん)はフランク・ロイド・ライトが設計したほんとに素敵なたてものですよ!

5/8(火) Ritual Exchange/リチュアルエクスチェンジ
Overtureと音楽家の方達で、音にあわせてのライブドローイング⇄私達の映像にあわせて新たな解釈で即興演奏を行います。 参加音楽家も決まり次第ここでお伝えしますね。

上にある画像は、MAGI NIGHのメインビジュアルです。前回はシルエットだけだった3人の小さなマジャイたちも、ここで初めてお披露目です!

Digital Memories: Storytellers 2010

Photo by Ryo Mitamura
Less than 12 hours before we leave for Japan!  Things are typically chaotic as we pack and prepare for the events that we have planned - and we can't help but be reminded of all the great opportunities we had last trip (thanks to flau!).  A while ago we posted some clips from our Foundland event at VACANT and this time we thought we'd share some of our Storytellers performance with Takeo Toyama at Kichimu.
Even if you can't understand Japanese, I think there is still plenty to appreciate in the story reading and musical accompaniment, as well as the segments from Toyama's own performance and the pre-event mask making!





(videos by Ryo Mitamura)

Tallinn Tabi 11/15~11/22


As previously mentioned, we just returned from Tallinn, Estonia where BLESS screened at the Animated Dreams festival!  In addition to screenings there were also a lot of excellent talks and events and we had the opportunity to meet a lot of wonderful animators and animation-related folks!
We also managed to fit in a bit of sight-seeing (Tallinn is amazing!) and we thought we'd recap some of the experience here.

エストニアのタリンで開催されたアニメーション映画祭Animated Dreamsを訪ねて11/15~11/22の間1週間旅に出かけてきました。

Sõprus Theater
The festival screening and event locations were in various buildings around the city.  The Sõprus Theater, pictured here, is where many of the main screenings were shown, including ours.  It is a beautiful old theater!

talk before screening
We were given the opportunity to speak about BLESS before its screening.  It was a little rambling, but still we are always glad to talk on our process and the story behind the animation.  In the photo we are with Mari-Liis Rebane, program coordinator for the festival and the woman who contacted us initially to screen.  She is lovely and it was great getting to meet her in person!

上映前のトーク。 隣はAnimated Dreamsのプログラムコーディネーターであり、私達の作品をピックアップしてくれたMari-Liis Rebaneさんです。
With Rao Heidmets!
We also had the opportunity to meet Rao Heidmets, an award winning animator and director, who premiered a new film of his own at the festival, Coming of Oracle...? 
We were introduced to him over the internet through a mutual friend, so it was wonderful getting to know him in person!

この映画祭で新作「Coming of Oracle...?」をプレミア上映したラオ・ ヘイドメッツさん(奥様:左端)。友人の紹介で出発前から連絡とりあっててやっと会えました。今度は夏においで!と言われました。
Party at F-Hoone
There seemed to be a party of some kind every night, usually starting around 10 and lasting until breakfast.  The venue above was just such a location for two events, and while set a ways walk from the town and far out behind a train yard, it was always bustling.



Part of the festival included visits to animation studios, namely Nukufilm (focusing on stopmotion) and Joonisfilm (focusing on 2D), two incredible, award winning studios!  They were both inspiring creation nests and we learned a lot on each visit!

A tack board at Nukufilm showing examples of character design and various production tricks.

Animator and director, Mait Laas, at Nukufilms, showing us a set for an upcoming film based on a children's book written by one of the creators.


The house that is the studio for Joonisfilm.

2DアニメーションスタジオのJOONIS FILM(ユーニスフィルム)
Animator and director, Ülo Pikkov (whose film, Body Memory, screened at the festival), showing us the animator's room, where two of the five studio animators worked on keyframes (on absolutely beautiful lightboards).




Big christmas tree
And now some general sightseeing information.  Every year at Christmas time Tallinn erects this enormous tree.  It is the oldest public Christmas tree display tradition in Europe, apparently.  A temporary market is set up along with the tree, but unfortunately didn't open until after we left.

Just one of many enchanting little side streets.

旧市街の風景 入り組んだ城下町の奥の奥…
A small cafe, Bogapott, where we ate a nice soup and drank some strong coffee.  A lot of nice ceramic work and apparently popular with asian tourists(?).

In addition to simply preserved old buildings, a good number of structures have been reinterpreted or added to with very modern architecture, as can be seen above... mmm, I forget where this is though, near an event space I think.



We also had the fortune of a super long layover in Prague (20+ hours!), so went into town, strolled around, ate out and spent the night.

u Fleků brewery and restaurant in Prague
We decided to eat here, U Fleku, where they keep bringing you drinks until you beg for them stop.  We came for the great beer (perfect Dark Lager), but stayed for the red cabbage and accordion player.

u Fleků brewery and restaurant in Prague
It was sort of a nice relaxing wrap party for us after the busy festival week of meeting new people and absorbing so much information and ideas.


Aya & Jason
(Us in Tallinn)
Although we've screened at many festivals throughout Europe, we've never been able to attend any, so this was our first time to physically participate, and what a place to do it!  We were told numerous times, and on very good authority, that the Animated Dreams festival is just the right size of a festival to allow for real friendships and connections to develop between folks in the animation world.
We are very grateful to have been invited to screen and we will certainly be submitting work to future festivals!  Either way, we will be visiting Tallinn again.



Aya and Chimney Sweep

Animated Dreams in Estonia

BLESS is screening in another festival!  In Estonia!  And we're going!  
Specifically, BLESS is screening as part of the Japanese Indie Animation category in the Animated Dreams festival (11/16-11/20), the animation end of the Black Nights Film Festival (11/16-11/30) held in Tallinn.
Even more specifically, the Japanese Indie Animation category is split into two groups and BLESS is in the Fantasy and Fanfares half.  It will be screening on the 20th from 5PM.

We will be screening alongside some really amazing Japanese Indie Animators, most famous, perhaps, from the CALF label (Atsushi Wada, Mirai Mizue) and Academy Award-nominated Koji Yamamura.  It is a great honor to be invited to screen among these folks!  We will try and make friends with everyone.
Plus, we are going!  So if you live in Tallin or are visiting let's say hello!  Or if you are not around but have some recommended spots, that would also be great!  We are there all next week!

エストニアの首都、タリンで開催されるBlack Nights Film Festival(11/16-11/30) 内のアニメーション映画祭Animated Dreams  (11/16-11/20),で「BLESS」が上映される事になりました!そして今回は私達も会場に向かいます。

今回、日本作家の特集プログラムJapanese Indie Animationでは、作品達をイン/陰と陽/ヤンの二つに大きく分け、そのヤンの方のグループ、題して "Fantasy and Fanfares" (11月20日)の中で、CALFの皆さんや山村浩二さんの作品に仲間入りして上映されます。
会期中には「緑子」や「A Cat in Paris」や山村浩二さんの最新作「マイブリッジの糸」など、そしてもちろんエストニアの作家達の新作映像、他にもたくさんの作品達が上映されます。