
This bit of news slipped through our fingers in the holiday blizzard but we received KiraKira tees! They sold out at the show we went to but our new friend Sid who trucked around with KiraKira during the tour brought us a pair of the shirts on his way up to Montreal.
These were hand printed by KiraKira and the design is of the minimonster ep we drew up in late 2007! A masked gremlin cranking out a parade of monsters from his gramaphone!
So thanks KiraKira and thanks Sid!
Something tells me this is far from the last we'll be hearing about these two in 2009...



デザインは、以前 minimonster epで描いたイラストを使った彼女の手刷りのもので、白地に紺と黒地に白の二種類です。

この二人(KiraKiraとSid)、バラバラか一緒にかはわからないけど、今年のAdventure logでまた顔を出してくれると思います…。