Post Digital Monsters

Photo by Maxime Dufour Photographies
Photo by Maxime Dufour Photographies 


Here are some nice photos of our Hobomuck and Moonhare illustrations from the Post Digital Monsters  group exhibition we were in last month at La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris.
The exhibition was apparently a great success and we are very grateful to have been a part of it!
Our work is now off to Berlin to be part of the Pictoplasma goings-on in April.

昨年12/7〜12/31にパリのLa Gaîté Lyrique(ラ・ゲイテ・リリック)で開催されたPictoplasmaの展示”Post Digital Monsters”は、たくさんのパリっ子がつめかけて大好評のうちに終了したそうです。

この作品は日本ツアーで各地を回ったかと思えば今度はパリ!そして…4月に開催される本拠地ベルリンでのPictoplasma Berlin 2012でも展示される事が決ままりました。今はベルリンに無事到着している頃でしょうか。いろんな国に行けて羨ましい!

Pictoplasma « Post digital Monsters » @Gaîté Lyrique

Pictoplasma - Post Digital Monster

{flickr set} Post Digital Monsters, Paris 2011

Pictoplasma Paris!

All through the month of December some of our illustrations will be showing at La Gaîté Lyrique, Paris, in the group exhibition Post Digital Monsters and as part of the Pictoplasma extravaganza taking place throughout the city.
The exhibition opening is December 7th and the exhibition ends December 31st.  It is going to be great!  And the gallery is new and really amazing and has been doing a lot of interesting shows.  Plus the people we are showing with are super talented folks (Friends with You, Shoboshobo, etc.) and we are incredibly honored to be invited to show with them!
If you are anywhere in the Paris area in December swing by and take a look!

Oh, and the illustrations are taken from our MoonHare story set that we took with us on the Oneiric Caravan tour in Japan last summer.  We'll be writing about them soon enough!

12月7日〜31日までパリで開催されるピクトプラズマのパリ巡回展「Pictoplasma Paris」にイラストレーションで参加します。

会場は、ポンピドゥーセンターの近くに今年3月にオープンしたばかりのメディアアートセンターLa Gaîté lyrique(ラ・ゲイテ・リリック)

今回はPost Digital Monstersというテーマなので、ムーンヘアのシリーズからムーンヘアと戦う眠れる巨人ホボマックが描かれた作品が数点展示される予定です。


More DOTMOV Dates

DOTMOV has added a number of international locations to its traveling festival!  
Check out all the dates and additional info here!
Currently the videos are screening in Stockholm but they'll be in L.A. (NORBERTELLEN GALLERY), Buenos Aires (G104)São Paulo ( 2010), New York (Ward Nasse Gallery) and Kuala Lumpur (KLDW2011), while continuing at various locations in Japan.

We'll certainly be going to the New York screening in February! 


日本国外だと、現在ストックホルムで上映中。その後、ロス(NORBERTELLEN GALLERY)、ブエノスアイレス (G104)、サンパウロ( 2010)、ニューヨーク(Ward Nasse Gallery) 、クアラルンプール(KLDW2011)で上映予定でそうです。


I meant to write on this MUCH earlier... but our MoonHare Exhibition does not wrap up completely when we are done at Gallery Blue Ballen next Friday (8/6).
We will be showing briefly at two very nice locations in Tokyo in September!

First is at VACANT in Harajuku, a lovely gallery, zine, event space and vegan cafe! We will show there from August 31st to September 5th with an amazing music event on the 4th where we will be doing live artwork (more on this tomorrow)!

The next starts soon after on September 7th and continues for the week until the 12th at STONE in Kichijoji a beautiful cafe/bar and gallery space. On our final day there as well will be another musical event where we will be performing Storytellers with Takeo Toyama!
But more on that later as well.

湯布院Gallery Blue Ballenの展示「MoonHare Exhibition」は8/6(金)まで続きます。在廊中はTwitterでも一言書き込んだりしています。ぜひ遊びにいらしてくださいね。



このイベントは2部構成で、第一部では国内のツアー「Oneiric Caravan」を一緒に回るSheeprint、そして小鳥美術館さん達が演奏してくれます。


MoonHare, Yufuin

Two weeks in to our trip to Japan and some things are finally under way. Our MoonHare exhibition at Blue Ballen Gallery in Yufuin started last Friday and our screening and talk at MultiCulti in Oita took place on Sunday to a wonderfully responsive crowd.
There isn't a great deal to be said at this point but things have been amazing here and people have been very supportive. There is a future for our art in Beppu, it seems, and we look forward to see what happens here next. Below are some photos of our exhibition and screening but there are many more on our flickr account.

湯布院Blue Ballenギャラリーでの個展「MoonHare」が23日にスタートしました。
そして25日の夜、大分市MultiCulti での上映&トークイベントもたくさんのお客さんに来てもらいました。各作品の前後に説明などを入れる形で楽しくお話しさせてもらいました。来てくださった皆さん、質問をくださった皆さん、ほんとにどうもありがとうございましたー!
いくつかの展示・イベントの写真を flickrにアップしました。良かったら見てみてくださいね。

Some of the MoonHare storybook panels. We will elaborate on this story in the near future.
The portraits on the wall of Dreamers, researchers at the MoonHare Society exploring the workings of the MoonHare. Again, we'll get into the details of this story soon.

The incredible Ura-san making us look good.

MoonHare Exhibition

MoonHare DM

As we have hinted at and mentioned in passing, we will be in Japan this summer doing some Overture-related things! Some exhibitions, some Storyteller-style events and tying it all together, a new animation we will be creating throughout our travels.
Many of the pieces are still drifting down but the first bits are beginning to settle so we thought it would be a good time to start discussing them!

We will have one exhibition at the Blue Ballen Gallery in Yufuin, on the southern island of Kyushuu from July 23 to August 6. Nearby in the city of Oita we will hold an event on July 25 at the MultiCulti space. In addition to storytelling and screenings we will also be doing a talk at the event and we will hopefully be at the gallery almost every day of the two weeks, working on the animation in the thick heat and talking with anyone who might stop by. (During our off time we will also be relaxing in the various hot springs in Aya's hometown of Beppu!)

The theme surrounds the MoonHare, a great earless hare who carries the power of the moon in his tail. The exhibition will focus on the story of the MoonHare, how the MoonHare gained the power of the moon told through the panels of a picture book we are working on. The portraits of dreaming gods who influence the MoonHare will also be displayed along with related older work.
The Storytellers event will likewise focus on the elusive and mythical hare. In what manner it will relate will be revealed at the event itself.
And in the animation, which we will write more about in the future, a phantom MoonHare plays a crucial role. The animation will use the lovely music of rec.tangle, who we've mentioned in the past.


7月23日から8月6日の2週間、大分県湯布院にあるBlue Ballen Galleryさんで「Moon Hare(ムーンヘア/月兎) Exhibition」を行います。

さらに、大分市内のコミュニケーションスペースMulti Cuiti(マルティカルティ)にて、7月25日(日)の夜8時からmumのビデオなど含む今までの映像作品の上映会&アーティストトークのイベント(予定内容です)も開催して頂く事になりました。

展示のタイトル「Moon Hare(ムーンヘア/月兎)」の話に戻りますが、このムーンヘアは耳のない巨大なウサギで、月の力を溜めて大きく膨らんだ丸い尻尾を持っています。


Alfa Romeo/ アルファロメオ


After being nominated for the Swatch Young Illustrators Award 2009 at the Illustrative festival in Berlin last year, we were asked by the folks at Illustrative to participate in the 100 year anniversary of automaker, Alfa Romeo, occurring in the spring of this year.
Working with archived racing photos and various automobile and logo designs from the company, we created an illustration which is now up on the Alfa Romeo Art site available as a print of various sizes and qualities.
Details on a future exhibition with the pieces coming soon!

昨年ベルリンで開催された IllustrativeSwatch Young Illustrators Award 2009 のアニメーション部門に「Bryum&Kapok」 がノミネートされたご縁でお声がかかり、イタリアの車のブランドアルファロメオの創立100周年記念のイベントに参加する事になりました。


Friday Night, Brattleboro

The opening on Friday went really well! A lot of people showed up for the benefit show where Kurt & Chris Weisman and Ruth Garbus played their lovely music and even our good friend Ryan Storm joined in on his drum (although we missed that part!).
Nick Sarfaty-Jackson also seemed to do quite well that evening selling his earrings.

Below are some photos from the show...well, from the hanging Thursday night, so you get a sense of the space and the work but none of the people and music and earrings (between the pizza, talking, tea and music we forgot to take any pictures!).

1/8(金)、ブラトルボロでのギャラリーウォークの日&私たちの展示オープニングでした。当日の夜は、地元のミュージシャンKurt & Chris Weismanと、Ruth Garbusのライブも開催されてたのでストリートの外れにも関わらずたくさんの人が訪れて大盛況でした。




Elliot St. Cafe

Elliot St. Cafe

Elliot St. Cafe

Elliot St. Cafe

The work this time is a small selection from the past two years with some pieces (the coffee stained zodiac watercolors) from previous shows and others old to us but new to the local public.


Elliot St. Cafe!

The new year is already building up steam! On the 8th of January a two month Overture exhibition will start at the wonderful Elliot St. Cafe in Brattleboro, Vermont! The exhibition will run for two months and open with the town's first gallery walk of the year.
The second gallery walk (February) we are planning on screening a selection of our animations including the upcoming KiraKira video.

期間は2010年の1月8日から二ヶ月間。場所は、今年の秋にオープンしたばかりのカフェ、Elliot St. Cafe。ここは大きな卓球台があって、二人の友達も多く働いてるところなのでとても楽しみです。


Here's a poor shot of our piece in the Creatures & Monsters group show at Through the Music Gallery in Brattleboro, VT we spoke of last week. Below is the original drawing. For the show we cut it up and mounted it on plexiglass we spray painted the back of black. It sort of looks like the three deceased are floating.
The show goes until the 25th!

先日スタートしたThrouth the music gallery でのグループ展、”Creature & Monster” オープニングの夜に訪ねてきました。今回の作品は3人のモンスターの死体で形作った「R.I.P」の文字です。相変わらずたくさんの人で賑わっていたTTMG(撮るの忘れちゃいましたが)、25日まで開催中です。お近くの方はぜひお立ち寄りください。

Creatures & Monsters and a little bit of Overture

The image above has all the info, but there's a monster-themed group show opening this coming Friday at Through the Music Gallery (where we've shown at before) and we have one new piece that will be taking part. The opening reception is from 5:30 - 9:00 PM on Friday, November 6th!
We'll also have photos up of the new piece after the exhibition is under way.

今週の金曜日から、以前展示した事のあるバーモント州・ブラトルボロのThrough the Music Gallery で開催されるグループ展「Creatures & Monsters」に新作イラストレーションで参加します。オープニングレセプションは11/6の5:30 - 9:00。

Yo Gabba Gabba! Exhibition at Pink Hobo

This Saturday, July 11th, at Pink Hobo Gallery in Minnneapolis, is the opening for "The Art of Yo Gabba Gabba!" an exhibition of concept designs, stills and other related artwork for the television show. There will also be artwork by artists who have contributed to the show - which means some of our work will be there as well!
The opening starts at 5pm and the exhibition is currently running until August 1st.
We are hoping to have some goods available for the opening, so if you are in the area on Saturday evening, stop by!

今週の土曜日、7/11にオープニングを迎える企画展"The Art of Yo Gabba Gabba!"にいくつかの作品が展示されます。

この展示は、米ニコロデオンの子供番組「Yo Gabba Gabba!」のスティールやコンセプトデザイン、番組にまつわる数々のアートワークなどを紹介する予定だそうで、番組内のアニメーション"Animal Sounds"を制作した私達にも声がかかって参加する事になりました。
場所はミネソタ州・ミネアポリスのPink Hobo Art Gallery

MOYTOY Phobia exhibition!



We're participating in PHOBIA EXHIBITION, a group exhibition next month put together by MOYTOY at Gallery 101 in Kaunas, Lithuania!
Above is the illustration we created for the exhibition. Participating artists were asked to select a phobia and express it how they saw fit. We chose "lachanophobia", fear of vegetables.
The exhibition runs from June 5th to 20th and there is an opening party on the 5th from 5PM.
It's been a while since we were in any kind of exhibition so it is pretty exciting!

6月5日より、リトアニア・KaunasのGallery 101で開催されるMOYTOY主催の企画展「PHOBIA EXHIBITION」に参加します。






Bryum & Kapok, in its three part entirety, will be screening at the festival/conference/exhibition that is Pictoplasma's Pictopia in Berlin this March. Specifically, it will screen as part of the "Psychedelic Midnight Mix" from 10:30 P.M. to 12: A.M. on March 20th, the second day of the conference.

Download the PDF animation lineup here. (Bryum & Kapok is number five of the "Psychedelic Midnight Mix" on page two)

Also, please explore around on the Pictoplasma website to learn more about the many many wonderful things these Berlin-based folks do for the characters of the world.


ベルリンで3/19〜3/21まで開催される、Pictoplasma主催のキャラクターデザインを中心としたフェスティバル/カンファレンスイベントPictopiaにて、Overtureの映像作品「Bryum & Kapok」が、それも、3部作全て一挙に上映される事になりました!


"Psychedelic Midnight Mix (サイケデリックミッドナイトミックス)"

同プログラムの他の上映作品などが掲載されているPDFファイルが、ここでダウンロードできます。(Bryum & KpokはPDFファイルの2ページ目、"Psychedelic Midnight Mix"の5番目にあります。)

Pictoplasma HPには、他にもたくさんのイベントや展示、スピーチなどのスケジュールがアップされています。

the postcard exhibition for the Sunshine Studio Tokyo

We will have a piece in the “Greetings from ________” Postcard Exhibition at the Sunshine Studio in Tokyo.

Over 50 artists were asked to use a local postcard to create their own piece. Our postcard is a landscape of Autumn in Massachusetts. (above)
The show's opening is Saturday Sept. 6th.

You can check other postcards (our's will be up when it arrives) at this blog.

今週末6日よりスタートする、東京の千駄ヶ谷にある「Sunshine Studio Tokyo」でのポストカード展、“Greetings from ________” Postcard Exhibitionに参加しています。


Overtureは、Greetings from Massachusetts” という事でニューイングランド地方の農場に訪れる紅葉の風景のハガキにしました(上の写真)。










The wine label exhibition we're participating in has begun. For details (in Japanese), and photos check out the three CHUBBY blog links above.

Portfolio of the Caffeine Exhibition on ISSUU

New portfolio of the Caffeine Exhibition is available now!

Caffeine Exhibition @ Mocha Maya's Cafe

In this show we are focusing on twelve new works using watercolor and ink and soaked in coffee - in mind of the particular venue.

5月より始まって、今も展示中のCaffeine Exhibitionのオンラインポートフォリオを作成しました。
上の小さなポートフォリオをダブルクリックか、「OPEN PUBLICATION」をクリックすると、さらに大きいバージョンも見られます。


(English below)

代田橋のカフェCHUBBYと、恵比寿のバー VinSantoが合同主催する、ワインラベルの原画を展示するグループ展に参加します。
CHUBBYでは白ワイン用のカラー作品、 VinSantoでは赤ワイン用の白黒作品を24組のアーティストが展示し、さらに、実際にCASTELVECCHOのボトルにラベルを貼った物を1本1000円で販売するそうです。


ここで、ラベルデザインだけ一足お先に公開ですー! 原画はぜひ会場で…

We're participating in an interesting group exhibition next month in Tokyo at the cafe, CHUBBY's in Daitabashi and the bar, VinSanto in Ebisu. The exhibition is also sort of a competition. All twenty-four participating artists were asked to design wine labels, a red and a white, which will be the art displayed in the exhibition. The designs will also be printed and stuck on actual wine bottles to be sold at the two venues. At the end of the exhibition, whichever design sells the most receives a prize and a pat on the back.
Unfortunately we can't attend, even if we get the pat on the back, but we're hoping friends will pop in and get drunk off the wine with our designs.
The bottles are going for 1000 yen...which is very cheap.
CHUBBY's will be holding the exhibition from June eighteenth to July fourteenth, displaying the white labels with an opening party on June twenty-second from 5:00 - 10:00 PM. 2000 yen to get in including one drink and food.
VinSanto will be holding the exhibition from June twenty-third to July twentieth, displaying the red labels and holding the closing party on July twentieth from 5:00 - 10:00 PM. Same situation with the door charge.

Addresses and contact info for CHUBBY's and VinSanto's are at the very bottom - and our designs for the show are just below!




CHUBBY 6/18日(水)~7月14日(月)

VinSanto 6月23日(月)~7月20日(日)

<opening party @CHUBBY>
 2008.6.22 (sun) 17:00 - 22:00(予定)
 2,000yen (1drink&food)
<closing party @vinsanto>
 2008.7.20 (sun) 17:00 - 22:00(予定)
 2,000yen (1drink&food)




Tomorrow is the opening for our six week show at Mocha Maya's. It's going to be a very easy going affair and we are looking forward to it. We've been caught up in so many big projects lately it's great to have something as fun and laid back as this.

Below are some shots of the new pieces we did for the show. The rest we already put up in flickr. We were considering uploading each image over a longer period...but we just couldn't wait.

明日から始まるMocha Maya'sでの展示のための準備が、さっき終了したところです。




”rooster home”

"lightning tiger"

"rabbit love"

"monkey battle"
