As previously
mentioned, we just returned from Tallinn, Estonia where
BLESS screened at the
Animated Dreams festival! In addition to screenings there were also a lot of excellent talks and events and we had the opportunity to meet a lot of wonderful animators and animation-related folks!
We also managed to fit in a bit of sight-seeing (Tallinn is amazing!) and we thought we'd recap some of the experience here.
Animated Dreamsを訪ねて11/15~11/22の間1週間旅に出かけてきました。

The festival screening and event locations were in various buildings around the city. The Sõprus Theater, pictured here, is where many of the main screenings were shown, including ours. It is a beautiful old theater!

We were given the opportunity to speak about BLESS before its screening. It was a little rambling, but still we are always glad to talk on our process and the story behind the animation. In the photo we are with Mari-Liis Rebane, program coordinator for the festival and the woman who contacted us initially to screen. She is lovely and it was great getting to meet her in person!
上映前のトーク。 隣はAnimated Dreamsのプログラムコーディネーターであり、私達の作品をピックアップしてくれたMari-Liis Rebaneさんです。

We also had the opportunity to meet Rao Heidmets, an award winning animator and director, who premiered a new film of his own at the festival,
Coming of Oracle...?
We were introduced to him over the internet through a mutual friend, so it was wonderful getting to know him in person!
Coming of Oracle...?」をプレミア上映したラオ・ ヘイドメッツさん(奥様:左端)。友人の紹介で出発前から連絡とりあっててやっと会えました。今度は夏においで!と言われました。

There seemed to be a party of some kind every night, usually starting around 10 and lasting until breakfast. The venue above was just such a location for two events, and while set a ways walk from the town and far out behind a train yard, it was always bustling.

Part of the festival included visits to animation studios, namely
Nukufilm (focusing on stopmotion) and
Joonisfilm (focusing on 2D), two incredible, award winning studios! They were both inspiring creation nests and we learned a lot on each visit!

A tack board at Nukufilm showing examples of character design and various production tricks.

Animator and director,
Mait Laas, at Nukufilms, showing us a set for an upcoming film based on a children's book written by one of the creators.

The house that is the studio for Joonisfilm.
JOONIS FILM(ユーニスフィルム)

Animator and director,
Ülo Pikkov (whose film,
Body Memory, screened at the festival), showing us the animator's room, where two of the five studio animators worked on keyframes (on absolutely beautiful lightboards).

And now some general sightseeing information. Every year at Christmas time Tallinn erects this enormous tree. It is the oldest public Christmas tree display tradition in Europe, apparently. A temporary market is set up along with the tree, but unfortunately didn't open until after we left.

Just one of many enchanting little side streets.
旧市街の風景 入り組んだ城下町の奥の奥…

A small cafe, Bogapott, where we ate a nice soup and drank some strong coffee. A lot of nice ceramic work and apparently popular with asian tourists(?).


In addition to simply preserved old buildings, a good number of structures have been reinterpreted or added to with very modern architecture, as can be seen above... mmm, I forget where this is though, near an event space I think.

We also had the fortune of a super long layover in Prague (20+ hours!), so went into town, strolled around, ate out and spent the night.

We decided to eat here,
U Fleku, where they keep bringing you drinks until you beg for them stop. We came for the great beer (perfect
Dark Lager), but stayed for the red cabbage and accordion player.

It was sort of a nice relaxing wrap party for us after the busy festival week of meeting new people and absorbing so much information and ideas.

(Us in Tallinn)
Although we've screened at many festivals throughout Europe, we've never been able to attend any, so this was our first time to physically participate, and what a place to do it! We were told numerous times, and on very good authority, that the Animated Dreams festival is just the right size of a festival to allow for real friendships and connections to develop between folks in the animation world.
We are very grateful to have been invited to screen and we will certainly be submitting work to future festivals! Either way, we will be visiting Tallinn again.