L.A. Tabi 10/12〜10/19


Mega entry!!!
We don't usually post such lengthy entries, especially when it has nothing to do with what we are working on - but our trip to LA last week was such a good time and we got to meet with so many great people we thought we'd lay it all out here anyway.


Downey Studios

Our first stop, not an hour after landing among the succulents and sunshine, was the Yo Gabba Gabba set and offices.  We did a short animation, Animal Sounds, for them a few years ago and managed to keep in touch enough for a tour of where the magic is made.  Our friend (and talented director), Jordan Kim walked us around and wowed us with the various departments.

到着してすぐに向かったのが以前アニメーション「Animal Sounds」で参加した、米子供番組「Yo Gabba Gabba!」の撮影現場です。
ダウニースタジオズという大きなスタジオがいくつも建ち並ぶ内のひとつで、ちょうどシーズン4(?)の撮影最終日のランチタイムにお邪魔してケータリングの食事をいただいたり、ここで働いている、友人&才能あるディレクターのJordan Kimの案内でスタジオ内を見学させてもらったりして貴重な時間を過ごしました。


We are always on the lookout for sweet cafes and bookstores and Stories, in Echo Park, is both, with a small but choice selection of used books, nice coffee (free-refills) and giant fig newtons.
LAのブルックリン的な地区、Echo ParkにあるStories Books and Cafe


Time Travel Mart

Next door is The Echo Park Time Travel Mart the front store supporting 826LA, a non-profit tutoring kids in writing and other activities.  All the proceeds from the store, which stocks all sorts of time travel related goods, from dinosaur eggs to anti-robot fluid, go to the tutoring program.

カフェの隣にあるお店、これが面白いお店でした。Echo Park Time Travel Martという名前で、地域に暮らす6~18歳の子供達に文章の書き方のワークショップをしたり宿題を手伝ったりして放課後の勉強&クリエイトの場を提供するNPO、826LAのサポートをするお店です。

Time Travel Mart

(Time Travel Mart display of a robot encountering a caveman, of course.)

このお店のテーマは”タイムトラベル”。 原始人とロボットが出会う瞬間が、歩道向けのディスプレイです。店内もタイムトラベルにまつわるとんちの効いた品でいっぱいです。

Poetry, etc. collection by kids

(The shop also has collections of poems and other writings by the kids in the program available.)



We didn't get to many museums during this trip unfortunately, but we did manage to fit in LACMA, specifically checking out the Japanese Pavilion and Islamic and Asian sections.  There is too much to cover in a day, let alone a single evening, so we absorbed and were awed by what we had time for, then moved on (to dinner).



(walkway to the Japanese Pavilion)




(Doguu statue, incredibly old, I never really expected to see one in person, so it was a wonderful surprise!)



(The museum also has an amazing collection of 800 plus Netsuke, which they rotate month-to-month.  The detail on these tiny, keychain-like carvings is beyond skilled.  Each little creature or character is one breath from being alive.)


Farmers Market Hollywood

Of course there are many farmers markets in LA, we only went to one, but it was enormous and filled with the variety that only access to different environments can provide.  I think?  Maybe I'm just not familiar with these larger famers market.  Anyway, it was great.


Farmers Market Hollywood

dublab 12th anniversary

On the 15th we attended the dublab 12-year anniversary event at Atwater Crossing.   It was a very big event with live acts, screenings and djs.  There were also food trucks, a screen printing space, popcorn, a bar, and a photographer doing portraits or something.  It was a busy place!
Among the events was a short screening of the Film Flash videos, with our Mushroom Hunting animation included.


dublab 12th anniversary

(A large part of the space is outdoors)

会場はatwater crossingとても広くてきれいなところでした。会場は大きく3つに分かれて、外に屋台村、自転車専用のValet(ホテルのように専門のスタッフが自転車を預かって駐輪場に)サービスもありました。

dublab shirt printing by Hit+Run

(Silk screening space, by HIT + RUN.  You could bring your own tshirt or buy one there and then select up to three designs to print)


Film Flash screening

(The Film Flash screening)

ここで私たちのビデオ”Mushroom Hunting”アニメーションが上映されました。

Poketo Studio!

Years after working with Poketo, we finally got a chance to meet Ted and Angie and visit their studio!  They were great and we talked for some length about camping and hot springs over Japanese curry.


Angie & Ted of Poketo!

(Angie, Ted and curry)


Nickelodeon Animation Studio

We had the opportunity to visit the Nickelodeon Animation Studio en route to lunch with Kevin Sukho Lee.  They were setting up for Halloween and every hallway looked like it was under construction with black tarp and plastic sheeting strung up everywhere and pvc piping poking out between the seams.

Nickelodeonのアニメーションスタジオを訪ねて、アニメーションデパートメントのディレクターKevin Sukho Leeと一緒にランチを食べながらいろいろ話しました。彼とはYo Gabba Gabba!からのご縁で、POKETOの二人と同じく、本物にやっと会えたな〜という感じでした。

Nickelodeon Animation Studio

(Aya enjoys a coffee)


Cartoon Network Animation Studio

And we also had a visit to the Cartoon Network Animation Studio.  No Halloween prepping here, just hard work and some solid counseling for us!  Along those lines, anyway.  It was good experience and we had a lot of fun and learned a lot!

And I guess that can be said for the trip in general: more than anything else we learned A LOT.  We spend most of our time just make make making and have no idea how to have that lead to anything but the finished piece itself.  So we are trying to learn how to go beyond that... and this trip was a step in doing just that!



Downtown & Jason & Aya