the postcard exhibition for the Sunshine Studio Tokyo

We will have a piece in the “Greetings from ________” Postcard Exhibition at the Sunshine Studio in Tokyo.

Over 50 artists were asked to use a local postcard to create their own piece. Our postcard is a landscape of Autumn in Massachusetts. (above)
The show's opening is Saturday Sept. 6th.

You can check other postcards (our's will be up when it arrives) at this blog.

今週末6日よりスタートする、東京の千駄ヶ谷にある「Sunshine Studio Tokyo」でのポストカード展、“Greetings from ________” Postcard Exhibitionに参加しています。


Overtureは、Greetings from Massachusetts” という事でニューイングランド地方の農場に訪れる紅葉の風景のハガキにしました(上の写真)。

