Thank you to everyone who came to the MAGI NIGH Lodge at Minami no Kaze, Yufuin!
It was an excellent way to kickoff the MAGI NIGH series, full of children and creation and food. More people came than we expected and everything ran much later than planned and we are very grateful for both! There was a great deal of mask making and a lot of animation viewing in the beautiful wood bathtub (until the ashiyuu became full on bathing by some of the younger guest, which is when we moved the projector into the downstairs bedroom for more relaxed viewing) and when it became late and everyone was getting tired we brought out the paper and did a number of turns of Vision Round.
Minami no Kaze is an amazing place in Yufuin. In one part of town, towards the train station, it is an Italian restaurant, while higher up the mountainside it is a sweet little post and beam lodge with an onsen (hotspring) piped right into the back room. We had to make a few arrangements to accommodate our plans for the MAGI NIGH Lodge, move some furniture, cover the transparent plastic bathroom roof to make it dark enough for screening, but it was really the perfect location for this event.
There were many younger folks, but a good number of adults interested in interesting goings-on came out and participated as well. It was five to six hours of incredibly positive energy.
In many ways Lodge was not just a starting point for the MAGI NIGH series but also a reintroduction of Overture and the Magi Union to the area. There is a lot we want to do in Yufuin, Beppu and Oita and Kyushuu in general, and Lodge was one of our first steps to doing more. There was certainly a lot of enthusiasm for Lodge and a lot of interest in doing something similar again. We look forward to being back again soon to expand on our ideas!
Also a great deal of thanks from us to Rie Okuma and DJ Michael J Foks, the other two members of Magi Union (who we will properly introduce sooon!!!) who were right with us working just as hard, if not harder the whole afternoon and evening. And there were many other folks who came and helped out throughout the event and we are incredibly grateful to all of their help!
Now on to Projecting Together, Wayfinding, Ritual Exchange and more!!!
Oh, and photos from the event below! Check out the photos!
MAGI NIGH イベントシリーズのひとつめとして、4/17に由布院の南の風山荘で開催されたMAGI NIGH Lodge (マジナイロッジ)。天気にも恵まれて最初のキックスタートにふさわしいとても賑やかな夜になりました。
外には受付とBBQ!そして子供達の参加もけっこうあるだろうと予想したMagi Unionメンバーが作ったカレーも!(予想は大あたりでした)
マスク作り終了後、イベントの終了時間を少し延長してテラスとダイニングの間のガラス戸を閉めて山荘の中でVISION ROUND(絵を描くサークル)もできました。
そして次は、日田での4/27Projecting Together, 明日館での5/5−6Wayfinding, スーパーデラックス5/8Ritual Exchange!

That's Magi Union member, Rie Okuma at the reception table in the top image and click the link below to a gif animation of us drawing the welcome board, taken by Magi Union member, Michael J Foks!

Here's another gif taken by Michael of the first folks who showed up!