So Pictoplasma's The Character Compendium arrived the other day! And though we already mentioned what the book was ( a collection of different character-oriented artists' work) we wanted to share a couple of photos of our copy (and our illustrations within).

The selection of our work included in the book are all watercolor and ink illustrations, a few Dreamers, some panels from the MoonHare origin story and our old Alpaca Dream watercolor. The printing is very nice, the colors are great and sharp.
There is a huge representation of different artists and designers in this book and their various character work. I will be spending a lot of time losing myself in this book. Hopefully others do the same!

以前ここでお知らせしたPictoplasmaのキャラクター辞典、The Character Compendiumがベルリンから届きました。

本書では見開き2ページにわたって、水彩をベースにしたイラストレーションが紹介されています。アルパカドリーム、 そしてDreamersMoonHareのシリーズから数点ずつ掲載されています。