
FINALLY getting around to putting some work up on our Society6 account.
There are quite a lot of grants to apply for and so far it seems like a generally interesting system. We'll update it with more work soon.


Work Stuff, Work!

Hang in there! New work in the stuffs.
Also, Buttobi Bear & Caesar tomorrow!




Two people bundled for rough weather. This has been a bit of a repose for us as we work on more structured and repetitive projects.

18"x22" watercolor & ink. We had to take a photo because this was much too big for our scanner


45×56センチ 水彩&インク

CG Magazine!

CG Magazine
A month late on this, but our copy just arrived:
There's an interview with us in the latest issue (#92) of the Chinese magazine, CG Magazine and includes Bryum & Kapok on the attached DVD.
The DVD is filled with a lot of great animations including Parallelostory by impactist, Moray McLaren's music video, We Got Time by David Wilson Creative and some work from the Mixtape Club...among a number of other really great pieces.

...The link we had for the magazine is not working right now - once that works itself out we'll update this post with the magazine's site.
In the meantime I've temporarily uploaded a pdf (15MB) of the interview on our site for Chinese readers - check it out here.

発売日からは一ヶ月ほど遅れましたが、中国の雑誌「CG Magazine 92号」の特集記事、”麻雀工作室生存秘籍”にて、作品とインタビューが掲載されています。

誌面だけでなく、この雑誌についてくる付録のDVD「Rush!」には「Bryum & Kapok」3部作が収録されています。
他にも、 impactist制作のParallelostory、 Moray McLarenのPV、 David Wilson Creative制作のWe Got Time。そして Mixtape Clubからもいくつかの作品が寄せられています。

今現在、CG Magazineのサイトが何らかの理由で見られないようになっているようです。(メール送って教えたんだけど「そうなんだよねー」みたいな感じで…全然平気な所がすごい!)復旧の確認が出来しだい、ここでまたお知らせするつもりです。


CG Magazine
CG Magazine

Yo Gabba Gabba! Exhibition at Pink Hobo

This Saturday, July 11th, at Pink Hobo Gallery in Minnneapolis, is the opening for "The Art of Yo Gabba Gabba!" an exhibition of concept designs, stills and other related artwork for the television show. There will also be artwork by artists who have contributed to the show - which means some of our work will be there as well!
The opening starts at 5pm and the exhibition is currently running until August 1st.
We are hoping to have some goods available for the opening, so if you are in the area on Saturday evening, stop by!

今週の土曜日、7/11にオープニングを迎える企画展"The Art of Yo Gabba Gabba!"にいくつかの作品が展示されます。

この展示は、米ニコロデオンの子供番組「Yo Gabba Gabba!」のスティールやコンセプトデザイン、番組にまつわる数々のアートワークなどを紹介する予定だそうで、番組内のアニメーション"Animal Sounds"を制作した私達にも声がかかって参加する事になりました。
場所はミネソタ州・ミネアポリスのPink Hobo Art Gallery

July 4th, 2009

Strawberry jam and a picnic with the family for this 4th of July. I trimmed some hedges at my parents' house while Aya, sister Sara and my Mom made jam from the strawberries they picked on Friday. Brother Frank arrived and we packed the thirty-year-old picnic basket I had pulled down from the garage attic and headed out on foot to Cabot Camp, a small plot not a mile from my parents' house where the Millers River enters into the Connecticut. It's owned by Northeast Utilities or Western Mass. Electric or whoever now. It sits just below the French King Bridge and people usually only go there to fish. It is a beautiful and magical place and I have been going there for as long as I can remember.
This morning I got to try out the jam while I drank my coffee from my Harold-weekend-coffee mug and it is excellent. Taste with your eyes or come to our apartment and spread it all over the edible object of your choosing.
More photos on our flickr page.


金曜日にjasonのお母さんと姉Saraが摘んできた山盛りの苺を洗って、マッシャーで軽く潰して、砂糖と一緒に煮込みながらペクチンも混ぜ、泡状になった上の方をすくいとってジャムが出来上がり。 甘酸っぱい香りに包まれながら、これをガラスのジャム瓶に分け入れて、上に溶かしたパラフィン(ロウ)を流して密封をして完成です。


他の写真はflickr pageにて。

Last Night, From Today

Last night's Phantom Brain Exchange went wonderfully. Bryum & Kapok was well received, we sold some goods and the other performers/DJ/Lecturer were great.
Some of the creature pouches we didn't sell last night we have put up on our etsy account. Take a look!


Creature Bags for the Brain Exchange

Creature Bags
For tonight's screening at the Phantom Brain Exchange we've made some bags with the fabric we recently had made. We had a lot of help from our sister, Sara and learned a lot we'll be putting to good use in the future.
Hope to see you tonight!


Creature BagsCreature Bags

Three Yards of Creatures

Our three yard trial, we'll be making some little bags to sell at our screening this coming Wednesday (6/24/09) at the Phantom Brain Exchange we wrote about last week.
If they sell or if we are at least satisfied with what we come up with we will probably make more - and come up with some new designs!
Anyway, we'll see how this goes.

早速、これで次回(6/24) Bryum&Kapokの上映が決まったイベント、Phantom Brain Exchangeでお披露目できるように小さなバッグ…かポーチのようなものを作ってみようと思います。


Mushrooms on the Ridge

Once again the weather turned from clouds to clear and we went on what's turning out to be this year's walking route - a five/six mile loop up to Sachem Head and the region thereabouts.
Below are some friends we met along the way.

Let's rendezvous at the Rendezvous!

We are going to be screening Bryum & Kapok in full at this month's Montague Phantom Brain Exchange at the Rendezvous in Turners Falls!

隣町Turners FallsのRendezvousで開催されるイベントで、『Bryum&Kapok』を上映する機会に恵まれました。
毎月、ライブと映像上映とレクチャーが混ぜ混ぜで行われるカオス状態で人気のイベント、Montague Phantom Brain Exchange (モンタギュー ファントム ブレイン エクスチェンジ)。

We are being introduced as "Overture Brown" which is sort of funny, but appropriate I guess.
The event is on Wednesday June 24th and starts at 9 pm.
For more details there is a Google Groups page but this is what is written about us:

"Overture Brown's sumptuous psychedelic forrest creatures will dance
upon our screen in a batik-y swirl of magnificently rendered pixels.
The wildly colorful Overture B universe comes from the heads/hands of
Aya & Jason Brown, who will be present to absorb your adorations. "

We are very excited for this opportunity and look forward to seeing Bryum & Kapok on a large(r) screen!

上のイベント告知の画像、なぜか"Overture Brown"という名前で紹介されていますが、これはこれでありだなと思ったのでそのままにしています。
英語になりますが、彼らの Google Groups pageにてイベントの詳細、そして出演者の紹介文など書かれています。