Books & Prints, Bits & Pieces

Some bits and pieces here.
We never mentioned this here, but during the Summer we were in an IdN book, The New Twenties, a collaboration between IdN and Society6, where we have some of our work up.  There are a lot of really amazing folks in the book and we were fortunate enough to be invited to the party.
Here's our "Creators" page on the IdN.

今年の夏に発売された、香港発の デジタルデザインマガジン「IdN」と、デザイナー&イラストレーターのショーケース「Society6」 のコラボで作られた本、”The New Twenties”にイラストレーションが掲載されています。


Also, on the topic of Society6, we recently made some the work we did for our Summer exhibitions in Japan available as prints on the site.  These are ink and watercolor portraits of the Dreamers, the researchers who study the movements and messages of the MoonHare.


