This past Saturday we had the good fortune to screen our work at the Echo Park Film Center!
It was a lovely turn out of people, who not only attentively sat through 40 minutes of animated shorts, but also enthusiastically participated in a brief drawing exercise pre-screening.
Plus! Alejandro Cohen (Pharaohs, Psychic Powers, dublab and more!) provided a special live scoring to Coast at the beginning of the screening. We will have the live scored version of the animation up in a little bit!
All in all it was a great experience and we hope to do something similar again soon!
実はこの一週間、リサーチ&打ち合わせでLAを訪れていた二人なんですが、急遽LAのミニシアターEcho Park Film Centerで3/14(土)にアニメーション上映会ができることになり、小さなイベントを開催させてもらいました!気になっていた場所で上映できる事になってとても嬉しかったです。実際の建物も、サイズも雰囲気もいーい感じ!終わってすぐに、またいつかここで2回目やりたいと思いました。