We leave for Japan in four days on April 1st! (honestly!) and wanted to begin spilling the beans on the sort of mischief we will be getting into during our visit.
In addition to a number of exciting screenings we will be a part of (more on it soon!) we are also holding a number of events under the title of MAGI/NIGH.
It is a twofold title!  おまじない (omajinai/omaginai) in Japanese refers to something imbued with magic.  A charm or amulet is the simplest example, but a place or event or action can also hold powers and be considered おまじない.  Through the MAGI/NIGH events we will not only infuse objects and moments with personally significant magic, but also demonstrate the power of daily activities, turning a conscious eye on everyday tools and places.
"Magi Nigh" in English hints at approaching magi (magic users/ star readers/ scholars of esoteric and mystical knowledge) and the significance of this reading of the title will reveal itself in due time as we release more information (though you may be able to catch a hint from the image at the top!).

We've also started a tumblr where all things MAGI/NIGH will be located.  We (Overture!) will be posting all of the information here as well, of course, but the tumblr allows for other members of the Magi Union (the organizing unit for MAGI/NIGH - this includes us!) to write and post and update.

Much more soon!

このMAGI/NIGHを運営するMagi Union(マジャイ・ユニオン)という組合(?)には他にも仲間がいます。そのメンバーもここでいずれ紹介しますね

この”Magi Nigh”という言葉は、
Magi/マジャイ (魔法使い/星の研究家/神秘的な事柄を研究する学者) と

私たち(オーバーチュア)を含むMagi Unionにより更新されるMAGI/NIGH情報ページも作りました。