Conant High School Talks!

Conant High School Talk

Today we had the opportunity to share our work and our creation process with students of Conant High School in Jaffrey, NH!  It was Aya's first time to visit a public high school in the U.S. (while in session), and certainly to take part in the activities!

We were invited by our good friend, Shaina Gates, senior art teacher at the school and an amazing artist in her own right (she is currently in a group show at Sharon Arts Center, but older work can be seen on her flickr page and she has an etsy page for her lovely knitting)

We talked about what we did, shared new and old animations and illustration work and wrapped up each class with a brief workshop based around some of our collaborative illustration methods.  The students all seemed fairly interested and asked a lot of questions.  I sort of feel like we may have learned more in the course of the three hour-and-a-half classes than any of the students did, but it was a good experience on both ends.  With our heads down making animation for the past few months, it was the most talking I had done in a very long while!

Below are some photos from the day.  It would be great to do more of this!

訪問したのは、おとなりニューハンプシャー州、Jaffreyという町にある、Conant High Schoolです。

私達の友人、Shaina Gatesがこの学校のアートの主任(シニア)教師で、彼女の呼びかけで今回このようなことが実現しました。彼女は高校でアートを教えながら自身もアーティストとして活動しています。(Sharon Arts Centerでのグループ展に参加したり、flickr pageで作品アップしてます。エッツィではニットも販売



それぞれが、アートヒストリークラス、ペインタークラス、そしてAPクラス(大学に入る前のレベル…学校の中では一番上のクラスと思われます)の生徒のみんな、どのクラスもビデオで喜んでくれて(やはりYo Gabba Gabba!は知ってる子が多いらしく一番どよめいてました。すごい知名度!)質問もバンバンしてくれて嬉しかった。

Conant High School Talk

Screening 'Rhubarbidoo', folks are always shocked by the little Rhubie splitting in half and growing into an adult Rhube.  Growing up is difficult for everyone.


Conant High School Talk

Prepping watercolor panels for the next class!


Conant High School Talk

Students reading the watercolor panels left by the last class and responding on them with black ink.  We had some of our Dreamer portraits out for a bit of reference.


Conant High School Talk

Some of the first finished pieces, no watercolor.


Conant High School Talk

The black and white illustrations are nice, two to three to four people worked on them, but the ones with watercolor really came together.  And were cross-class efforts!


Conant High School Talk

Aya joins in.

Conant High School Talk

These colorful watercolor panels were left by the last class for the next day's first.  Some really nice combinations are going on here!


Conant High School Talk

Shaina, Jason and the other art teacher look at the day's achievements.


Shaina, Colt and Overture!

Shaina, Colt (in the bottom left!) and Overture!
Thank you Shaina!
