Getting into Tokyo at 9 AM on Monday morning after a 10 hour car ride from Wakayama, we quickly readied our artwork and related goods and headed down to Harajuku to set up our MoonHare exhibition at VACANT!

Getting into Tokyo at 9 AM on Monday morning after a 10 hour car ride from Wakayama, we quickly readied our artwork and related goods and headed down to Harajuku to set up our MoonHare exhibition at VACANT!
The show is now two days in and we are putting together the pieces for the live drawing we'll be doing at FoundLand on Saturday night with Tsujiko Noriko, Tenniscoats, Predawn and DJ Codomo, upstairs from the gallery.
A lot of wonderful people have stopped by the gallery and it's been great meeting them. In addition to the new MoonHare work we also have the original artwork for AZUL, Our Map to the Monster Olympics, KASINO A4 and other publications/albums, some samples of our animation process, with flippable scenes from the Vimeo animation and part of the storyboard from something we are currently working on.
Most of the artwork we have displayed is for sale and we also have a number of related goods available, such as the BLESS mountain pendants we made, AZUL records, shirts and bags, including the Oneiric Caravan tshirt we designed for our tour with Sheeprint!
Stop by if you get the chance!
原宿VACANTでの展示「MOON HARE」が8/31からスタートしています!
今現在は、土曜の夜にVACANT2Fで開催されるイベント、FoundLand(ツジコノリコ・Tenniscoats・Predawn・ DJ Codomoさんらが出演します!)の準備中です。とっても面白い事が起こりそうです〜!
会場では、展示タイトルでもある”Moon Hare”に関する新作イラストレーションはもちろん、今までのアニメーションから数点を上映、レコードAZUL, KiraKiraのCDOur Map to the Monster Olympics, フィンランドのアートマガジンKASINO A4などの為に制作された作品のオリジナルや、動画サイトVimeoの30秒CMのアニメーション制作に使われた原画、そして現在制作中の新作ミュージックビデオの絵コンテなどを見てもらえるようになっています。