Art on the Marquee

Our simple looping animation, Playgrounds, had its official debut Thursday with some amazing other artists! We are grateful to BOSTON CYBERARTS for contacting us to participate in this round. This was our third time working with the organization to create something to screen at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. The first was for the extremely wide display in the lobby of the convention center, the second was for the multi-panel display outside. Like this round, for the first piece there was a reception and we were able to witness the animation in person. The second piece was right as the US was starting to take the pandemic seriously in March 2020 and all in person meetings were canceled. The animation was still used on the display but we never saw it ourselves!

Both previous animations are viewable on our website though! Miraculously, Boston Cyberarts is still going strong and contacted us in the spring to participate in this curated round. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity! Though the reception was not open to the public it was the first in person event we've attended since everything started.

The animation/installation we created this round reflected our ongoing interest in play, specifically open play and the way simple shapes/structures can invite different modes of interaction. The overall piece was relatively subtle in movement, but features easy-to-read shapes with characters playing on them. 

