We recently participated in this ADC Young Guns project: Reanimation. It's a simple side scrolling video game with assets created by 48 different artists. Every time you die (or reach the goal) a new character is spawned in a different artist’s world. Our level features a drop of water crossing a desert landscape to reach a flower. The levels cycle randomly so it may take some time to reach ours (screenshot at the top).
It was a fun project to be a part of and has only inflamed our desire to make a proper video game.
最近ちょっと面白いコラボレーションに参加したのでお知らせします。NY拠点のThe Art Directors Club(ADC)が主催する若手アートディレクターのコンペティション「ADC Young Guns」のゲームプロジェクト「Reanimation」です。