We recently completed a short short animation project, based on the general premise of a rejected series pitch. The name and concept: Weird Healing. Pim is an ever positive doctor, embracing life and all situations fully and seeing the benefit in everything. This usually leads to trouble but he always works things out with his indomitable spirit and help from his friend and guide, Jiji. Jiji is a knowledgeable and wise old bull with extensive understanding of plant life and the natural world. He worries easily but does not shrink from danger.
Together Pim and Jiji make house calls to distant planets, alternate dimensions and the like.
Our short short is one such abbreviated story.
It won't be properly screened until March, but we held a private screening recently in our home. The reaction was extremely positive (from friends, anyway!). The favorable reactions were in no small part due to the excellent sound design and music created for Weird Healing by Josh Lundquist and Christopher Nelson at Halcyon Tone. Their other projects are superb and super interesting and very much worth your time investigating.
Halcyon Tone put together so much - unused - music for the short that there are talks of releasing an EP of the material with additional Weird Healing artwork!
More on this and on the actual animation in the near future!
最近まで制作していた短々編、"Weird Healing(ウィアードヒーリング)"が完成したので友人を呼んでお好み焼きとともに見てもらう内覧上映会&忘年会を開催しました。
友人達が拍手喝采だったのが、東京で暮らす友人Josh Lundquist(ジョッシュ・ランドクエスト)とChristopher Nelson(クリスとファー・ネルソン)の音楽ユニットHalcyon Tone(ハルシオントーン)の作ってくれた音です!彼らは音楽とともに音響効果も担当してくれました。こちらも最高です!この音があるとないとではアニメーションが全然違うものに見えますね…すごい!彼らの音楽、すばらしいのでぜひリンクからサイトを訪ねて聴いてみてくださいね。