Setagaya Video Festival 2012 Reflections


There are still a few events from our Japan trip that we have yet to write about! There is new stuff to discuss and certainly many photos from the trip that we will share, but first we thought we'd relate some of the

The last event we participated in, Setagaya Video Festival 2012 at STUDY, was a little different from the other activities before it. For one, it was the only event we did not help to set up, we were invited to screen and talk and in many ways because of this the atmosphere was different for us. It was probably the most relaxed (for us) event and felt like a really nice way to conclude the adventure.
We screened with one other video artist, Hideyuki Katsumata and between the screenings there were DJ sets, including a set by our long time friend, Ryan Erik Williams whose wife, Sana did the designs for all the MAGI NIGH flyers.

STUDY, where the event was held is a really lovely cafe, in a quiet neighborhood and very nicely designed inside. Very calming with cushioned benches lining the walls, plants hanging down from the ceiling and a giant rotating glass wall for their front door. The owner, KAI, DJed at the Ritual Exchange event and it was wonderful to see him on his home turf. At the end of the night he asked us to draw characters from the Halfway animation on a white enamel pot they had at the cafe.
It was our pleasure!

Ryutaro Nagashima, the event organizer who also streamed the entire evening on Ustream, has uploaded a collection of photos from the night on Facebook.


初めて来る場所ですが、数日前にRitualExchange(これも近日中に追加写真アップします!)のDJで来てくれていたKAI君がこのカフェのオーナーだし、この夜のDJのひとりは友人のDJ Ryan Erik Williams、そして奥さんのさなちゃんはすごい短期間でMAGI NIGHフライヤーをデザインしてくれたデザイナーさんという事で、リラックスした感じで過ごす事ができました。このカフェの雰囲気の良さもあると思います。

暗くなるにつれてだんだんと会場にお客さんが入りはじめて、主催の長島竜太郎さんの上映、Hideyuki Katsumataさんの上映のあと、夜10時頃の私たちの出番のころにはほんとうにたくさんの人が来てくれて、いくつか映像を見てもらいながらお話しさせてもらいました。


