Perfect Launch

The online magazine, Perfect Wave, which we first mentioned last summer, is finally getting a release!  We have one piece of work in this issue, hopefully folks will like it!  Much more on that when the thing is out in the wild.

The magazine is also having a release party on Thursday, January 13 at Zebulon from 7PM with music and readings by magazine-related people.  I don't think we'll be able to make it but it sounds like a wonderful time!  There's even a Facebook Event page.

Oh, and the magazine will be out on January 10th.

オンラインマガジン「Perfect Wave」、これは昨年の夏に出てるはずだったのですが、鋭意編集中…ということで公開が延びてました…が!

会場ではPerfect Waveマガジン周辺&ゲスト(FUTURE SHADOW、NO RECEPTOR、INTERNAL DISMEMBERMENT + TONY MARTIN)のリーディング、ライブ、などなど…私達は会場に迎えませんが、お近くの方はぜひ!
