Green Design Festival

BLESS is getting a Greek premiere! A little while ago we were asked to include it in the Green Design Festival in Athens taking place from September 23rd to October 10th. Needless to say we were grateful for the consideration and eager to comply!
The Green Design Festival looks to be a very big event sponsored by the city of Athens and Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate change. It will look at the relationship between design and the environment and how to improve it. Sounds pretty great! I wish we could go, but being a part of it at least makes us happy.


ギリシャの首都アテネで9/23から10/10まで開催されるGreen Design Festivalの中のスクリーニング、GREEN SCREENINGS内で上映されます。キュレーターはUKのキュレーションエージェンシーDouble Decker

