Illustrative 2009 Young Illustrators Award Nominee!

Illustrative, the "leading international forum for contemporary and graphic arts" (Illustrative site source) nominated us for their 2009 Young Illustrators Award!
Along with nine other animation category nominees (with two other categories, illustration and book art, ~35 nominees total) we await Sunday (10/18) when the winner of this award will be announced.
This year the festival is in Berlin and starts on the 15th (this Friday). As always, we wish we could be there.
They also have a bio page of us on their site - here.

ドイツのベルリンで明日、15日より開催されるイラストレイティブ2009でのコンペティション、The Swatch Young Illustrators Award 2009のアニメーションカテゴリに「Bryum&Kapok」がノミネートされています

会場でドキドキしながら「And The Winner Is...」てっていう発表を聞くなんて経験、してみたかったなー。
