As we have hinted at and mentioned in passing, we will be in Japan this summer doing some Overture-related things! Some exhibitions, some Storyteller-style events and tying it all together, a new animation we will be creating throughout our travels.Many of the pieces are still drifting down but the first bits are beginning to settle so we thought it would be a good time to start discussing them!
We will have one exhibition at the Blue Ballen Gallery in Yufuin, on the southern island of Kyushuu from July 23 to August 6. Nearby in the city of Oita we will hold an event on July 25 at the MultiCulti space. In addition to storytelling and screenings we will also be doing a talk at the event and we will hopefully be at the gallery almost every day of the two weeks, working on the animation in the thick heat and talking with anyone who might stop by. (During our off time we will also be relaxing in the various hot springs in Aya's hometown of Beppu!)
The theme surrounds the MoonHare, a great earless hare who carries the power of the moon in his tail. The exhibition will focus on the story of the MoonHare, how the MoonHare gained the power of the moon told through the panels of a picture book we are working on. The portraits of dreaming gods who influence the MoonHare will also be displayed along with related older work.
The Storytellers event will likewise focus on the elusive and mythical hare. In what manner it will relate will be revealed at the event itself.
And in the animation, which we will write more about in the future, a phantom MoonHare plays a crucial role. The animation will use the lovely music of rec.tangle, who we've mentioned in the past.
さらに、大分市内のコミュニケーションスペースMulti Cuiti(マルティカルティ)にて、7月25日(日)の夜8時からmumのビデオなど含む今までの映像作品の上映会&アーティストトークのイベント(予定内容です)も開催して頂く事になりました。
展示のタイトル「Moon Hare(ムーンヘア/月兎)」の話に戻りますが、このムーンヘアは耳のない巨大なウサギで、月の力を溜めて大きく膨らんだ丸い尻尾を持っています。