Summer T!


This is the last weekend for the summer tshirt event at Kichimu! After this weekend the shirts we designed will still be available at Tone, the clothing and accessories store connected with the gallery Stone (Tone is also in Kichijoji. Find directions here).



(線のみの原画は下にあります そちらが今回Tシャツに使うものです)

水と木の喜び とか キラキラした命の祭り とか エロス&ジョイ とか…


The shirts are silkscreened and because of time and distance constraints we decided to just keep to the lines. Hopefully we'll have some photos of an actual printed shirt to share soon!
Here is the design we created specifically for the event:

Summer Lines!

We also included a color version at the top for your viewing pleasure!

Kichimu Summer Tshirts! / キチムでTシャツ!

English below!





場所は吉祥寺キチム内ギャラリー STONE
Overtureで"Moon Hare"の展示やStorytellersをやったあのギャラリーです。

私達の他には、第一回ほぼ日作品大賞sunuiさん、Spoken Words Projectさん、Toraneko bonbonさん, anuenueさん, Jubileeさん, Boojilさん, 扇谷一穂さん他と、キチム&STONEにゆかりのある人達が参加します。なんて面白そうな企画!


Far away in our Summer Camp it is a wonderful surprise to be contacted by the outside world.  This happened the other day when we received an email from the gallery STONE to come up with a tshirt design or two for an upcoming showcase/launch:

"Sweaty! Summer Tshirts Launch at Kichimu"!

We had an exhibition and a Storytellers performance with Toyama Takeo last summer at STONE, located in Kichijoji's Kichimu, and it is our great pleasure to work with them again!
Plus, the other folks involved in the show make some truly amazing stuff.   Spoken Words Project, Sunui, Toraneko bonbon, anuenue, Jubilee, Boojil, Kazuho Oogiya, among others will be designing shirts along with us!

Summers in Japan are super hot and heavy with humidity and this Tshirt launch will hopefully help to alleviate the sweaty oppression and lift spirits!  We are doing our best to come up with some refreshing and ridiculous designs!

The tshirts will be on display on the following dates: 8/12, 8/13, 8/14, 8/19, 8/20, 8/21 and available for purchase or order during these times or anytime afterwards.

R&S Hanky

R&S Hanky

Here's a little something we meant to put up a long while ago, but we got caught up and distracted in other things!  It's a handkerchief design we created for our friends' wedding.  Their marriage was July 2010 and held in Tokyo, just after we arrived.
They asked us to include some things they liked which is why records, pens, burgers, peppers, tomatoes, nail polish and beer is everywhere.
The hankies were included in the gift bags every guest received.

They are old and very dear friends of ours and it was a great honor to be a part of their wedding in this way, especially since we live so far apart these days.





R&S HankyR&S Hanky

Oneiric Caravan T-Shirts!

Oneiric Caravan! This is the shirt design we did for the tour~
At the moment we've only been selling them at the venues we've been performing at, but if you are interested send us an email! The shirts are currently selling for $25. Colors are mint green, yellow and light orange.

Overtureデザインの”Oneiric Caravan”Tシャツです!
今現在は、ツアー先の会場のみでの販売になっていますが、興味のある方はoverture (@) gmail.comまでメールをください。価格は2000円です。


Doorstep! #2

CIMG2789UNIQLO Playful TypeUNIQLO Playful Type
More stuff has arrived! This time it's some of the shirts we designed for UNIQLO in collaboration with Gestalten. They are really lovely in person, especially the women's as this was our first time checking it out.
Now just waiting to get our hands on the other women's tee!
Thanks Junko and UNIQLO and Gestalten!


今回はゲシュタルテンとコラボレートした”Playful Type”のユニクロTシャツ(2パターン)です!


Goods! Stuff! Today the R.I.P. tees we designed for KASINO landed on our doorstep! They are great! And still available on the KASINO site! Here's a better view of the original drawing. Stay tuned for more great stuff from these guys!

今日、とってもいい天気(晴天22℃)の中で家に帰ってきたらドアの所にフィンランドからの小包!中を見るとKASINOのためにデザインしたR.I.P. Tシャツでした!それも2枚!今まで見た事がないほど細かいプリントで、美しい仕上がりです。

R.I.P. Original
Also, next to the tee is a KiraKira bag! It was made by KiraKira! And it also arrived recently with some KiraKira tshirts and cds! We're looking to sell these bags and shirts - hopefully when we have another Storytellers event of some kind or if you are interested just send us an email!
The image on the bag is the Bless section of the map/liner notes we created for KiraKira's Our Map to the Monster Olympics!

白地のトートに、彼女のアルバム、Our Map to the Monster Olympicsに入っているライナーの「BLESS 」の部分の絵がプリントされています。

UNIQLO Playful Type Tee: Up Close

Just some details of one of the shirts with our design from the Uniqlo Playful Type collection - now that we have one in our hands that we can explore.
Neither of the colors showing up in these photos is quite accurate though. It's sort of a mint.
Playful Type Tee: NutritionPlayful Type Tee: Nutrition
Playful Type Tee: Nutrition

UNIQLO x Playful Type

UNIQLO shirts designed by Overture! Now! On the UNIQLO website! In Japan!
There are two up at the moment actually, with a third coming in March when the line is properly scheduled to be released worldwide. Right now they are only available on the Japanese site and a few locations in Japan.
The shirts are part of their Playful Type line, working with publisher Gestalten and the designs from the book of the same title, Playful Type: Ephemeral Lettering and Illustrative Fonts (hardcover currently sold out apparently, softcover available here).

ユニクロとゲシュタルテンのタイポグラフィ本Playful Type: Ephemeral Lettering and Illustrative Fonts」がコラボレーションしたPlayful Typeシリーズに、Overtureが参加しています。

Playful Type」は、昨年秋にベルリンの出版社ゲシュタルテンから発売された、世界各国の遊び心溢れるタイポグラフィを収録した本。(現在ハードカバーは完売、ソフトカバーのみこちらで販売されています。)


The lightgreen men's shirt below uses an illustration of ours, originally appearing in Issue #6 of
KASINO A4 and then picked up for inclusion, among similar designs of ours, for the Gestalten book.
The shirt is currently only available here, on UNIQLO's Japanese site (and a few select stores), but as stated above, will be out worldwide in the Spring.

下の写真にある薄緑色のTシャツは、KASINO A4の6号の挿絵として制作し、その後Playful Typeに収録されたものです。


The women's hooded sweatshirt below is one of two other designs of ours used for the Playful Type line. These were by request of UNIQLO after the NUTRITION design was selected, with the text and arrangement UNIQLO's planning and the just handwritten design Overture's doing. Again, this shirt is available here on the Japanese site at the moment with it and a similar design seeing a worldwide release some time in March.




This bit of news slipped through our fingers in the holiday blizzard but we received KiraKira tees! They sold out at the show we went to but our new friend Sid who trucked around with KiraKira during the tour brought us a pair of the shirts on his way up to Montreal.
These were hand printed by KiraKira and the design is of the minimonster ep we drew up in late 2007! A masked gremlin cranking out a parade of monsters from his gramaphone!
So thanks KiraKira and thanks Sid!
Something tells me this is far from the last we'll be hearing about these two in 2009...



デザインは、以前 minimonster epで描いたイラストを使った彼女の手刷りのもので、白地に紺と黒地に白の二種類です。

この二人(KiraKiraとSid)、バラバラか一緒にかはわからないけど、今年のAdventure logでまた顔を出してくれると思います…。

FatCat Overture T-shirts in USA!

This is a notice for Americans interested in the FatCat Records t-shirt we designed in 2006. They just started making and selling the shirts in the US. The shirts are navy blue with white print. Selling for $14.99. Link

FatCatニュースによると、OvertureデザインのFatCat T-shirtsがこの度、US storeでも購入できるようになりました〜!

Ding Dongs for Graniph!

I'm up at 3:30 AM this morning to pick someone up from the airport, so Aya and I are on different schedules.

Apparently, without my knowledge she learned of a tshirt design of ours that just went on sale at Graniph in Japan.

The design is of the spirit of the Yamabushitake Yeah's fallen leader on a bright pink ground. Very effective.

Unfortunately, the English site is still in development, but the Japanese page you can checkout here.

Design Tshirts Store graniphにてヤマブシタケの神様tshirtが販売されています

Poketo T-shirt arrived!

The Overture Knotted Tower T-shirt we designed arrived from Poketo!





Poketo T!

Checking the latest news at Poketo today, we saw that our T-shirt design has been released!

The design is of the Knotted Tower, the great tree that is Overture's website lookout (currently still covered in snow). A simple design when compared to others available but it was certainly no small feat preparing the design for printing.

If you want to purchase the shirt or look at the selection of other awesome goods they have, please head over to the Poketo website!

Thanks be!


(まだ雪が降ってるのは見なかった事にしてください…)の、トップページの木(knotted towerという名前です)がどーんと正面にプリントされてます〜!


