We are very excited to share a new collaboration with the amazing Juana Molina: The Jane Bone Adventures, an animated music video for the song, In the Lassa, off her album Halo.
Jane Bone escapes from her human's body and embarks on a journey to gain power across a variety of environments in a classic side scrolling video game environment.
The song used, In the Lassa, features Juana and her regular band mates, Diego López De Arcaute and Odín Schwartz, with John Dietrich of Deerhoof on guitar.
This project was a long time in the making. We first spoke with Juana Molina in 2007 and decided to collaborate in some form then. Timing and other obligations kept us from each other until we coincidentally reconnected on a trip to Japan last spring. We are deeply grateful to finally work together and this might not even be the end of our collaborations...
新しいアニメーション公開のお知らせです。アルゼンチン・ブエノスアイレスの音楽家Juana MolinaのMV「The Jane Bone Adventures」のフルバージョンが先日公開されました。楽曲は、今年5月に出たばかりの彼女のアルバム「Halo」より、「In the Lassa」です。ファナのツアーを今一緒に回っているディエゴとオーディン、そしてディアフーフのジョンがギターでこの楽曲に参加しています。