FOUNDLAND Reflections


For most of the evening last night we had our heads down, sweating over patterns and creatures and constellations trying to get our weaving ideas out of us before songs wrapped up and sets finished. In the three hours that was FOUNDLAND we experienced the six years of our time together as Overture, sharing one little space exposed to a full house.

The musical acts, Predawn, DJ Codomo, Tenniscoats and Tsujiko Noriko were all amazing, each bringing their own different expressions and flavors to the event and offering us fresh inspiration for every new piece we worked on.

As we had done a number of times on our Oneiric Caravan tour with Sheeprint, we drew in response to each song played by the musicians, although this time on a much grander scale. Instead of one band/artist, there were four, so for each one we prepared a watercolor piece that we felt would match their sound. On top of that each piece could be cut up and placed together to form one large illustration/collage at the end of the night. And on top of that we weren't just drawing and projecting the image on a screen behind the artist, but the amazing DJ Codomo (and Yasuko, a member from the VJ set, OnnaCodomo), to whose talent we are eternally indebted, mixed our images with clever and beautiful live techniques, keeping what we were doing fresh and interesting to the audience.

It was truly an evening we will not forget and we are deeply grateful to everyone who came, the artists who played with us, the organizers and producers (flau & VACANT) and DJ Codomo!

This will surely be the beginning of new and interesting happenings...

昨夜の原宿VACANTでのflau & VACANT主催イベント「FOUNDLAND」に来ていただいたみなさん、そして共演者(Predawnさん、 DJ Codomoさん、 Tenniscoatsさん、Tsujiko Norikoさん、そしてDJ ausさん)スタッフの皆さん、本当にありがとうございました!

今まで何日か通して壁面に描いたり、今回のOneiric Caravan tourSheeprintとやったような30~40分の演奏に合わせて、という事はありましたが、4組のアーティストと共に3時間を超える長さで通して描いたのは今までの最長記録です!


そして、一緒のテーブルを半分に分けあって最初から最後まで映像につきあってくださったDJ Codomoさん&助っ人のOnnaCodomoヤスコさん!めくるめくおもしろテクニックを沢山見せていただいて、そしてコラボさせてもらってもう感謝感謝です!



DJ Codomoさんはキャラクター達。





