Gifts from Laterna Magica!

A very nice little package arrived for us today from Fotokino, the folks who do the  Laterna Magica festival in Marseille! It was a package with a lot of wonderful prints and things from their studio, a nice congratulatory package for Bryum & Kapok : A memory  winning the audience award!

Thank you Fotokino!

先日、フランス・マルセイユで開催された映画祭Laterna Magicaにて”Bryum & Kapok : A memory”が観客の投票によって決められる観客賞をもらいました!初めてもらう賞が観客賞というのはとてもうれしく、本当に誇りに思います。

そして今日、映画祭より大きな封筒が届きました。中身は今年のLaterna Magica (fotokino)関連の書籍&アートグッズ!そしてお菓子まで!




Happy New Year!
We made it to 2013!

2012 was an amazing year for us, we had so many wonderful opportunities, met with old friends and made great new friends, released a bunch of new projects, traveled quite a bit, found a new home and worked very hard!
We are deeply grateful to everyone who helped and supported and thought about us this year!

Watch out for more from Overture in 2013!
Thank you again!

2013年 巳年 あけましておめでとうございます。





We've put together a bit of a digest of recent and upcoming Overture sightings!
前回ここで紹介したdublabイベント以外にも、ここでひとつひとつお知らせできてないですが最近いろんな場所で上映があります(&ありました)。 上映されたもの、これから上映されるもの、いくつか紹介しますね。
Kinofest / Romania

On October 28th, Ludic Chase screened in "Off animation 3" at Kinofest International Digital Film Festival in Romania! Many thanks!

ルーマニアの映画祭Kinofest International Digital Film Festivalの"Off animation 3"プログラムにてLudic Chaseが上映されました。


Optica Festival / Spain

From November 29th through December 1st Bryum & Kapok screened at Spain's Domhan Óptica Festival 2012 in Gijón! YAY!

スペイン北部アストゥリアス州の都市、Gijón(ヒホン)で開催される映画祭Domhan Óptica Festival 2012(11/29-12/1)にて、12/1にBryum & Kapokが上映されました。  ヒホン、いつか行ってみたい。 


Laterna Magica / France

Starting on December 5th and running through the 23rd, BLESS and Bryum & Kapok will be screening as part of the program, "Les Petites Formes", in the festival, Laterna Magica in France.
We are happy to be one of the focused artists with Allison Schulnik and Lilli Carré.

Taken from the festival site:
"Cette année, ce programme mettra plus particulièrement en lumière le travail de Lilli Carré, d’Allison Schulnik et du Studio Overture, qui chacun à leur façon, réinventent le langage du cinéma d’animation."
(This year, the program will specifically highlight the work of Lilli Carré, Schulnik Allison and Overture Studio, which in their own way, reinventing the language of animation.)

フランス・マルセイユの映画祭Laterna Magica (12/5-23)。

OvertureはAllison SchulnikLilli Carréと共に今年のこのプログラムのハイライト作家ということで、BLESSBryum & Kapok を上映させてもらうことになりました。


DOTMOV / Japan & World

And of course DOTMOV continues to tour its festival, screening Ludic Chase and Halfway all over the world. Their screenings are often times free, so take a look at their schedule and visit if you have the chance!

こちらもただいま上映中ですね。先日お伝えしたDOTMOVでもLudic ChaseHalfwayの二作品が選ばれて、ただいま国内外を巡回上映ツアー中です!(上映会場・スケジュールはこちら)


“Future Roots” WORKSHOP for children

The Japanese branch of dublab,, has officially officially opened and it looks just like the US home version, but in Japanese and with Japanese events listed. In conjunction with this site ground breaking is an event, Future Roots, at Shibaura House on 12/9. 
During this music event there will be a workshop a CD recording workshop, with our animations screening afterward! We are very happy to be able to once again be a part of a event after our Fruiting Bodies event back in April.

昨年の秋にLAのdublab12周年イベントのためにMushroom Huntingのアニメーションを製作&上映させてもらったり、今年の春の日本旅ではイベントFruiting BodiesでJordan Kimと共に映像上映をさせてもらっているdublab。
12/9に東京のSHIBAURA HOUSEで開催される×SHIBAURA HOUSE のイベント“Future Roots”




WORKSHOP for children 後、Overtureによるアニメーション上映決定!

この日はロスより初来日のMatthewdavidとAnenonライブをはじめ、日本よりBun / Fumitake Tamuraさん、Chihei Hatakeyamaさんのライブ、 ShhhhhさんのDJなどあり、

Shopping Overture

Magical pendants,  strange and enchanting scenes, busts of powerful visionaries: here is the Overture shopping guide! There are four locations to purchase something of ours now and we're laying out the differences between each here as well as some of the perks that apply to particular sites during the holiday season.

Just yesterday an Overture shop opened at Big Cartel and it will house original work exclusively! At the moment we are setting up just five pieces, three of the Dreamers and two older works for reduced prices. Shipping is free through the end of the year!
まずひとつめは昨日ショップをオープンしたばかりのBig Cartel です。ここではOvertureのイラストレーションのオリジナルを販売しています。

We've had quite a few prints available for order in a variety of forms for a while now on Society6. All of the Dreamers, Zodiac illustrations, the looping Sesame illustration and others are up there - and shipping is free through Monday!

We only have one item on Etsy at the moment, the Leaf pendant from Ludic Chase - and there are only 8 left! And they are only $15! We plan to have more physical items of this nature available soon, but you may want to pick one of these up for yourself or a loved one while they are still around.

みっつめは先日もここでお知らせしたEtsyストアのLudic Chaseのリーフペンダント。15ドルで、残りは8個になっています。近いうちにこのペンダントのような身につけられる/絵ではないけど手に取ってもらえるようなグッズをまた作りたいと思っています。それまではこのリーフペンダントを手元にどうぞ。

Finally there is our MoonHare piece at The Working Proof. At the moment it is the only place to pick up any of the illustrations from the MoonHare series. There are three different sizes available with prices adjusted accordingly. And of course the best part is that 15% of the gross sale goes to 826 National!!!

最後はムーンヘアシリーズの作品から一点、The Working Proofにて販売中です。こちらもサイズが選べます。購入した金額のうち15%が、放課後の地域の子供達への学習サポートや地元のミュージシャンなどによるワークショップ等の活動をしているナイスなNPO、826 Nationalへの寄付になります。